

Born Addicted
I was born march,17,1986
Johnstown Pa..
I was my parents 3rd mistake by then all i kno i was pre nature born 2 months early my mother apparently smoked crack or snorted Heroin i came out 4lbs 2oz i was put on a drug called feinabarbitol which is to help with seizure disorder from addicton to drugs so the story continues at 5 years of age mind you im really hyper add adhd um in pre k im the dirty kid obviously you can tell by my clothes they were corduroys i had a severely lazy eye like cocked like pistol omg it was tragic for kid to be this awkward .
I lived in a prominently black neighborhood ..did i mention my family was borderline racist and my first fight on school bus was over the N word because my uncle thought that would get me friends no it got my ass whooped till 9th grade but ill get to that later so on top all the fights and me being lil dirty bad kid....
© Chunky1986