

My umbilical cord can never be cut
I wish I knew when and how I was born or rather in which womb of imagination. Well, I keep taking birth in so many wombs that I've even lost track of all my mothers/fatherly mothers. They birth me with so much love, that all I can do is carry them in me long after they are gone. I, who was once in their womb, continue carrying them lovingly in mine for eternity.

The world calls me poetry but I am known by the nickname that my mom or my creator, adoringly assigns me. I come in various sizes and may take different shapes too, like maybe the shape of a free verse, a haiku, a sonnet or whatever my creator chooses.

I even evoke, invoke shades of jealousy, envy, etc. in those who are unable to birth me. Some fools keep desperately trying but abort me just after I am conceived. Some unfortunates are unable to conceive, give birth to me, whilst some try to take expert or external help to fortunately kiss parenthood. If you ask me, I wish to be born naturally, notwithstanding the pain of birthing for my creator, coz as we are all aware, pain rarely fails to birth beauty.

Dear poet, I carry your genes and can write volumes about myself but who better than you to write me, you whose creative genes I proudly carry and display in my poetry.

Let my verses speak, not of me but of you and all those pieces of different 'you's' that you carry just so that you can reflect them in me, for wasn't I born to be the voice of every 'you' in me? The world terms me poetry and celebrates you in me, revealing and reveling in my birth, sorry our birth, for if I was born from you, weren't you also born thanks to me?

Hey, I now get it..the 'when' of my birth. A poet is born when his poetry is born. Well, regarding the 'how' of my birth, you tell me. You must have made love, na? Impregnated your scintillating, beautiful imagination, right? Ask your pen..is it waiting to flow again? Release it and let the world know how virgin thoughts flow.

Begin your love play, I mean word play and watch another me being born. The uniqueness of my birth is that the umbilical cord can never be cut.. we are more like siamese twins, sharing everything, the same everything, I feel it strongly in my intuitive gut.

I am sorry to be speaking through my sibling, Prose. This is my autobiography in a biography. Hehe. I ain't good at prose. Meet you soon, in your world, our verse. Bye. ❤️
© nobody