

being cursed is over rated....
We all feel like we are cursed one way or another right?it's not that we are cursed but we perceive it that way when bad things just keep happening over and over.When bad things happen to us alot all the time it's a test and it's also a blessing God never gives us to much to where we can't handle it he gives us just enough to where you think it's gonna break you but it doesn't it made you stronger then what you realized and that's all of us god doesn't send things our way to hurt us but to help us and the best part is he is always there every step of the way even when you think he's not there he is. when bad things start happening blessings are flying threw like bumblebees landing on a flower and the bee flys away with the pollen they float around waiting to make something that's not so beautiful into something that is gorgeous and we are the flowers flowing threw the wind waiting for something to happen and it will at just the right time the right day the perfect moment so for those who think they are cursed beacuse nothing is going right in your life just remember you are the flower flowing in the wind waiting for that special moment being cursed is over rated anyways it's like a vampire looking for his reflection he can't see it because it's not there.