

Hello adulthood!

Adulthood is like VET and we're all the dogs that were excited for the car ride until we realized where we're going. I miss when I was 12 and it would be the night before a big field trip or something and I couldn't go to sleep becoz I was so exicted. I miss being into the book that I would up past my bed time reading it. I miss the masti , mischives that I used to do and to that someone used to tell " Its okay she is child". But now everything seems so blank or something idk. I'm only 18 and everything is so tiring. I miss wanting to be awake . Now I finally came to know don't depend too much on anyone. Even your shadow leaves uh when u are in darkness. So finally a heartfelt goodbye to childhood. And a warm welcome to adulthood. Adulthood is like looking both the ways before crossing the street and then getting hit by an airplane. And now at the end of the first day of adulthood the wind whispered to me saying " you are no more a kid now".❤🤷‍♀️

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