

Still Afloat.
Still Afloat
Fiction by Leo Wang

Chapter 1: The Secret in The Cupboard
Our story begins in a dark city of Ver Sasha- a small town deep in the wilderness home to troop 75. Seargent Vorn and General Daniel were the leaders of this small, but harsh community. Today was the coldest day ever and sadly, going to be the darkest, saddest day for the people of Ver Sasha..
"Go get them," said General Daniel to Klitch Yeni, one of the most awarded soldiers of Ver Sasha.
“Go get who, sir?” Replied Yeni.
“Are you stupid?!” Exclaimed Daniel.
“No,sir,” gasped Yeni, “who do you command me to get?”
“Rick Laince,” answered Daniel, “leader of Troop 23 of Slawvn -two miles up north”.
“Yes,sir!” Replied Yeni, “Shall I alert the rest of Troop 21?”
“Yes, Klitch,”
“But- where are they, sir?” Asked Yeni,
“You’ll have to find out for yourself..” says Daniel mysteriously.
At that moment, Yeni wiped out. His mind was cleared as he entered a dream. An over realistic dream. The dream that’s real. Voices echoed through a dark, misty room.
“Nooo, let me free” said the voices,
“Hun? Who’s there?” Asked Yeni,
Then Yeni went back into the real world, however this time he was in a field. Instantly, when he arrived, he noticed the red mud covering his left arm. He sweeper off the mud and noticed a fresh cut around 2 inch deep. He got up and looked around at the familiar view. It was Troop 21’s headquarter. He pulled out his 4 inch pistol and slowly walked into the tall black building.
When he tried the doorknob, it was locked. So he kicked it. The door didn’t move. What he didn’t know was that somebody was slowly approaching him.
“Who are you!?” exclaimed the man
“Aaah!” exploded Yeni as he turned around as he pulled the trigger on his pistol.
Fortunately, the bullet missed.
“What are you doing here!?” yelled the man,
“Who are you?” questioned Yeni,
“If you must know, I’m Dr. Mang, official engineer of Troop 21.”
“Wait, you’re Sylvester Mang- like the guy who invented the Pyrogen Atomics?” asked Yeni surprised,
“Yes I am. Now let’s keep talking about why you’re here!” asked Dr. Mang,
“General Daniel commanded me to alert troop 21 because he wants me to get Rick Laince.”
“Rick Laince? The leader of troop 23 of Slawvn?”
“Yes sir”.
“But he’s the guy who ordered 2 million soldiers to death because of their ethnicity!”
“Wait what?”
“Well, then that must be why General Daniel wanted me to alert Troop 21”.
“But what was sir want Laince for?”
“I have no idea. So can you go get your damn leader now?!”
“Fine, but on one condition,”
“You have to keep a secret, you know the voices that you heard when you were in the room?”
“That was those dead soldiers Laince sent to death”
“No way…what?!”
“Ok whatever let’s go.”
Dr. Mang slid his key into the door. Yeni gazed in shock as he witnessed the Pyrogen Atomics being crafted out of bare hands. 2 minutes later, they arrived at the leaders room.
“Here she is!” said Dr. Mang,
“I’m nervous” replied Yeni
“Just knock!” requested Dr.Mang
“Who’s there?” the voice in the room said,
“Sylvester Mang, number 54, age
The door opened to reveal a collection of old photographs of the soldiers and thousands of old artwork displayed on the wall in golden frames. There in the middle, sat a lady dressed in green.
“Yes? What do you need, sir?” asked the leader,
“This man from Troop 72 wants to say something to you.” replied Dr. Mang
“What’s your name?” asks the leader,
“Klitch Yeni of Troop seventy f-“ but before Yeni could finish, the leader cut him off,
“I asked for your name, honey. I’m Mrs. Oregon, please refer to me as queen”
“Oh Oregon? Like the place in America! ! I’ve been there!” exclaimed Yeni
“That is offensive dear, Please do not say that. Refer to me as queen”
Yeni cursed under his breath.
“What do you need to say to me, sir?” asks Mrs. Oregon,
“Uh, General Daniel from Troop 72 wants me to alert you because he wants Rick Laince to speak to him” replied Yeni,
“Ridiculous! Why would anybody want to talk to the monster- Rick Laince?” Asks Mrs. Oregon
“I don’t know, ma’am” replied Yeni,
“I’ll send 30 soldiers to accompany you and Dr. Mang on your journey, if anyone of my people die, for each guy, Daniel has to pay us 300 million dollars, ok son?” asks Mrs Oregon,
“Ok. Queen.”
“Thank you.”
Dr. Mang and Yeni walked out of the building just as fast as how they walked in. Still gazing at the art and rare artifacts. Outside awaited them 30 men, all dressed in green camouflage and with rifles.
“Are you guys accompanying me to Troop 23?” Asked Yeni.
“Yes, sir!” chanted all of the soldiers as they saluted,
“Well, I guess let’s go!” said Yeni,
While walking the dirt path carved in like a ruler, Dr. Mang noticed a metal pipe deep in the soil. He alerted Dr. Mang and started pulling away, trying their hardest to get it out. 5 minutes after the rest of the soldiers joined in revealed a shotgun.
“This will come in handy!” exclaimed Yeni.
Two hours of walking later, they saw a single lonely cupboard in the middle of the path.
“Should we open it?” Asks Dr. Mang”
“Sure…” replies Yeni.
As his hand slowly hit the wooden surface and slid it right out. Then he noticed something.
“Oh crap,”
“What’s there?” Asked Dr. Mang,
“A note.” Replied Yeni
“What does it say?” Asks Dr. Mang
“Daniel, I’ve had enough.”
“Who’s this Daniel guy now?”
“He’s my general.”
“Oh ok. Like the big fat guy?”
“Alright, but what’s so bad about the note?”
“What’s so bad about the note? It’s a threat! Whoever wrote the note is going to kill General Daniel!
“Ok, that’s sorta bad for you but whatever for me.”
“That’s so mean!”
“Whatever, let’s keep going”
Hours of walking in the grass field later did they reach their destination- Troop 23’s gateway to their territory. At first glance, the soldiers surrounding the gate looked normal until he noticed the tatooes of Rick Laince on their right thigh.
“They’re huge fans..” Yeni whispers,
“No duh! They work for Laince!” Dr. Mang whispers back.
“Oh, I didn’t know that.” Replied Yeni.
“Ok, let’s go talk to them”
They slowly approach the big, iron gate to meet the soldiers.
“Hello soldiers of Troop 23, we need to speak to your leader” greeted Dr. Mang
“Who are you?” one of the guards said in a thick, serious accent.
“Dr. Mang and Klitch Yeni from Troop 75 and Troop 21.”
“We will alert our king about you two” replied the soldier.
15 minutes of pure silence later, Rick Laince arrived at the gate.
“Hello amateurs of Troop 75 and Troop 21!” greeted Rick Laince
“Hi,” replied Yeni,
“Hi what?” asked Laince,
“Hi dummie.” replied Yeni,
“My friend is really sorry” rushed Dr. Mang in a panic.
“Shut up!” Whispered Dr. Mang to Yeni,
“Ok….what do you need me for?” Glared Laince,
“I need you to speak to General Daniel,”
“Why should I do that?”
“Because I said so” replied Dr. Mang as pulls out the shotgun and points at his chin.
“Ha! You have a shotgun. While I have this!” laughed Laince as he pointed his finger to approximately 3000 soldiers standing beside him covered with leather armour all holding assault rifles and shields.
“I’m going to kill you if we survive” muttered Yeni to Dr. Mang.
Laince’s men approached the soldiers and shot them, killing them instantly. They walked up to Dr. Mang and pointed a spear at his neck. Two soldiers from Beijing handcuffed him and ushered him past the gate. Yeni on the other hand, was tied up and left on the floor to starve. Dr. Mang gazed at the red and black statues of lions, dead people, and of skulls. The one thing that caught his eye however was this big bonfire in the middle of the entrance. He was walked through it. It didn’t hurt however,
The fire was cold. Eventually, he reached the castle where he was walked down the stairs to dungeon where he was locked up. The dungeon was chilly, but there was a big bonfire in the room. Strange. Inside the room was two beds, a sink with no running in water, and a puddle of blue liquids spilled in the middle of the room. He dared not to touch it. Then he remembered Yeni.
“I forgot about Yeni,” he mutters to himself.
He kicks at the copper door until his toes bleed.
“Damn it!” He curses,
He climbs onto the bed and breaks off a slab of wood. He smacks at the caged doors as hards as he can, eventually breaking a section for him to exit in. He walks up the stairs, shotgun in hand. He exits the building and catches sight of Yeni, laying on the ground tied up. Guard. He pulled out his gun and fired a shot. He killed the man. He pasts the gateway and unties the ropes surrounding Yeni’s body.
“Yeni…” groaned Dr. Mang
“Yeni!? Can you hear me!?” screams Dr. Mang.
Dr. Mang takes a seat beside Yeni’s seemingly lifeless body as he sobs. Sobs until he can’t anymore. After 30 minutes, he gets back up and once more, gazes at Yeni’s body. But this time he noticed something. His face was twitching.
“Yeni?” asks Dr. Mang,
“Sylvester?” Asks Yeni,
“Oh my god! Your alive! Oh my god!” Exclaimed Dr. Mang
“I’m alive.” Groaned Yeni happily.
“I’m alive.
© Sunset_is_always_there