

Could Night, stay Night?
How would it be,
if tempered moods,
followed you in your own,
say if you're deeply misunderstood,
with foot in front of the other foot,
head is down,
no real reason to feel the stars,
though they're there,
still no reason to look up,
Could it be,
that your mind, withdrew the curtains from opening,
blocked out the white sun, replacing 'your' sky
with mood lighting,
or black and salted,
to kindly fit the knots
located in your stomach,
or the influx of intrusive
thoughts, scaling larger,
driving the nail in the coffin, deeper.
How could it turn out,
if your mind and body heard your call, to mock the power of daylight, so that you, could personally walk around, in constant night lights,
as your phone has dark mode,
your mind, simulated night time,
like living in Alaska,
when the sun barely touches your skin, for like 2 hours a day, or like...9 or so long months,
could it change how you healed?
or made it better?
when then sun comes up,
I remind myself to stay grateful,
though I just wish,
my mind could cater,
tape down the doors of a fresh sky, clouds drifting,
just making it rainy and dark some days,
or clear night skies, through my weeks, during mental anguish, fall fire pit fire light,
so I never have to feel
energy of the morning,
till I'm truly ready
to greet
If we're living in a simulation,
I request that feature, for those who are living,
and if America, could put Donald's mug shot,life sized,
(and pretty), hang that photo high on the statue of liberty,
just right on her green, copper, face.
I would really appreciate that, thanks.
I need more to laugh at,
in this country,
besides savages buying 2 more tvs, though trampling each, laying from their beds in the emergency room, hugging the their new techie things, with a black eye, a fist full of IVs, just so happy to they almost died, for LED 60INCH.

Do you suppose,
in this depressing world,
that out of how many butts I've seen,
that are not my own,
how many almost naked people, on Instagram,
that I could have MY ONE request while being above ground?
Is it so much to ask, that my brain dial the light down,
spoken purely from a sun horizon, stand point,
that the moon could be my sunlight?
Could my mind change the sky, in my depression, so night could stay night?