

What System and Standard must be put in place to Safeguard Honesty and Integrity in African Leadership?
People elected into leadership position turn to exercise increase integrity and honesty when the culture of the people they are to lead supports these behaviours. It is such an extremely difficult exams to pass here in Africa for leaders to uphold onto honesty and integrity. An environment where people are elected into power, with no check, and any defined rules guiding their behaviours, can only be handled by men of strong unshakable God fearing upbringing.
Let us quickly find out the meaning of system, standards, Safeguard and to identify the common link between these three key words. To borrow the words of a popular social media activist " The system is working". What is the meaning of system? A system as applied to leadership are rules that decided how a society, country or organization should operate, that can not be changed to suit any individuals. Safeguard is a law, rule or plan that is put in place to protect someone or something from harm or problems. Standards are traditional principles of good behaviours. The 3S ( System, Standards and Safeguard) are instituted to check and keep leaders in the right path for the benefit of others. Ethical behaviours amongst leaders and their followers at all levels are born out of the three 3S. Power in the hands of an untrained leader is society, nation and the world biggest trait. God knew human nature when it comes to leadership position and subsequently warned kings at the time against the power of leadership ( Deut. 17: 15-20)
" 15 You may indeed set as king over you him whom the LORD your God...