

The Midnight Visitor (part 3)
"What will you do now Max?" Ausable asked. "If I do not answer the door, they will enter anyway. The door is unlocked. And they will not hesitate to shoot."
Max face was black with anger as he backed swiftly towards the window. He swung a leg over the sill." Send them away!" he warned." I will wait on the balcony. Send them away or I will shoot and take my chances!"
The knocking at the door became louder and a voice was raised." Mr Ausable! Mr Ausable!"
Keeping his body twisted so that his gun still covered the fat man and his guest, the man at the window grasped the frame with his free hand to support himself. Then he swung his other leg up and over the window sill.
the doorknob turned. Swiftly Max pushed with his left hand to free himself from the sill and drop to the balcony. And then as he dropped, he screamed once, shrilly.
The door opened and the waiter stood there with a tray, a bottle, and glasses. "Here is the drink you ordered for when you returned."he said, and set the tray on the table, deftly uncorked the bottle and left the room.
White-faced, Fowler stared after him."But..."he stammered,"the police..."
"There were no police."Ausable sighed."Only Henry, whom I was expecting."
"But won't that man out on the balcony...?"Fowler began.
"No,"said Ausable,"he won't return.You see , my young friend, there is no balcony."