

Horror Island

Jason paces back and forth, gesturing wildly as he gives a speech to Konkri. Konkri listens silently, his face not betraying any emotion.

JASON: (swinging his arms) Get on in here!

The door opens and in walks Haruiko, dressed in a black suit.

JASON: Have you seen this island full of dinosaurs bred from some rogue DNA molecules?

TALIN: Yes, Konkri, it's incredible, I assured you.

Jason whirls to face Talin, his eyes alight with a fierce, blazing intensity. His sheer, unbridled excitement threatens his sanity.
His heartbeat races with urgency.

Well, what's up dude!

What are we going to do about it?

Talin hesitates for a moment before he responds, his dark, frowning expression clouded with some uncertainty.

TALIN: I don't know, Jason. We shouldn't really be messing with this type of DNA research.

Suddenly, there's a loud crash as the door bursts open, and a group of ferocious Gigantiraptors swarm into the room.

JASON: Oh my god! Get them off me!

Haruiko pulls out a gun and starts firing wildly, but the raptors are too fast and agile, dodging his shots with ease. One of them jumps onto Jason, tearing at his flesh with razor-sharp claws.

JASON: Ahhh! Get it off!

Get it off!

Talin empties his gun, then grabs a
nearby AK-47, but there are too many
of the pack. They are soon overwhelm

TALIN: Jason, we have to get out of here!

Jason pushes the fierce raptor off of him and staggers to his feet.

JASON: Right! Let's go!

The three men sprint towards the door, dodging the snapping jaws of the raptors. But just as they reach the exit, a massive, huge tyrannosaurus rex appears in front of them, blocking their way.

JASON: Oh god, we're done for!

Haruiko starts firing at the T-Rex, but the bullets just bounce off its thick hide. The ugly beast roars and charges towards them, its jaws gaping wide.


The men scatter in different directions, trying to evade the massive dinosaur. Jason ducks behind a nearby desk, narrowly avoiding the T-Rex's jaws as it chomps down on the furniture.

JASON: We have to find another way out!

Haruiko shakes his head, his face grim.

HARUIKO: There is no other way out.

We're trapped.

Just then, a loud explosion rocks the bunker, causing the walls to shake and debris to rain down from the ceiling.

TALIN: What was that?

HARUIKO: It's the DNA lab! We have to get out of here now!

The men race towards the exit, dodging the raptors and the T-Rex as they go...

Just as they burst out into the night air, the entire bunker explodes in a massive fireball, sending shockwaves rippling across the entire island.

JASON: Oh my god! We made it!

But their relief is short-lived, as a swarm of Pterodactyls swoop down from the sky, their sharp talons now flashing in the gloomy moonlight.

TALIN: We have to take cover!

The men dive behind a nearby boulder as the Pterodactyls rain down a hail of deadly attacks. But just as all seems lost, Konkri appears out of nowhere, armed with a powerful laser gun.

KONKRI: Get down!

He aims, blasting lasers at the Pterodactyls.

He fires a shot at one of the Pterodactyls, hitting it square in the chest.The beast writhes and screeches in pain, then tumbles out of the sky, crashing to the ground in a heap.

JASON: Konkri, thank god you're here!

KONKRI: We have to move quickly. More of them will be here soon.

TALIN: But where can we go? Oh! We're trapped on this island!

KONKRI: There's a boat on the other side of the island. It's our only chance.

The men nod in agreement and set off towards the other side of the island, dodging dinosaurs at every turn. They're bruised and exhausted, but they don't give up...

They know that their survival depends on their ability to keep moving.

As they approach the boat, they see that it's guarded by a massive, Titansaurus. The beast roars, charging towards them, its jaws gaping wide.

JASON: We can't beat that thing! We're done for!

KONKRI: Not necessarily.

He pulls out a flare gun and fires it at the Titansaurus. The beast is momentarily blinded by the bright light and stumbles backwards.

Giving the men a lifesaving chance to climb aboard the boat.

But just as they think they're safe, they hear a loud rumbling coming from the dense jungle.

TALIN: What is that?

KONKRI: It's the Abominable Rex. It's the most dangerous dinosaur on this island!

JASON: Oh god, we're finished.

The Abominable Rex bursts out of the dense jungle, its massive jaws snapping hungrily. The men try to start the boat, but it won't budge.

TALIN: It's stuck! We're trapped!

KONKRI: Damm it!
He fires a shot at the angry Abominable Rex, hitting it in the right shoulder. The beast roars in anger and charges towards them, but just as it's about to reach the boat, there's a loud explosion.

The island shakes and rocks as the volcano in the center erupts, sending
lava and ash spewing into the air. The men are thrown from the boat and land in a heap on the ground.

JASON: We're not gonna make it, are we?

TALIN: I don't think so.

KONKRI: We have to keep moving. We can't give up now.

The men stagger to their feet and run towards the shore, dodging falling debris and lava flows. But just as they reach the edge of the water, the rocky ground beneath them gives way.

They fall into a dark, fiery abyss, screaming as they tumble down, down, down...



© Charles Kemp