

Somewhere in Delhi
It was an early morning as ishkya was woken up by water sprinkles on her face
Monk:(putting his hands together)Greetings
Ishkya:(doing the same)Greetings
Monk:I guess you was here the whole night praying for a child
Monk:And may Lord Krishna bless you with a baby boy(when he kept a red powder on her forehead)
As ishkya wanted to touch his sandals the monk stopped her
Monk:It's enough daughter you may go in peace
When she bowed and left.She boarded a rickshaw that dropped her at the phone booth where she decided to walk till at her home place where by she was suprised to find reported outside their compound.When a certain reporter saw her
Reporter:(Pointing towards her)There she is
When all reporters Ren towards her direction
Reporter:We heard that you are barren and that's the reason for you to steal the child is it true?
When ishkya was just starting at them not knowing what to say shivay came and took her inside.When he headed upstairs took all his belongings
Ishkya;Where are you going?
Shivay;Somewhere that is far away from here
Ishkya:(holding his bags)please don't leave me like this
When shivay slapped her that she fell on the ground then he angrly went outside where by he was surrounded by reporters
Reporter;How do you feel after your wife has stolen somebody's child?
Shivay;No comments
When a taxi came by he kept his luggages in the boot and the driver drove off.Ishkya was still lying on the ground she tried to get up she could feel her stomach paining as if she needed to give birth when she took her phone and called Ananya
Ananya:Hello,who's there?
Ishkya:(in pain)I need help i.....
When she could no longer speak for the pain was severe.
Ananya:Hey!hold on i will be there soon.
When she quickly turned her phone off boarded a taxi and headed towards ishkyas compound when she quickly headed inside
When she noticed ishkya sitting on the ground groaning and her feet were wet.
Ananya;Oh!No this is too bad!
When Ananya helped her lie on top of the bed and tied strings on her hands
Ananya:Now relax and just do as I say and everything will be okay.Now push
When ishkya tried to lift herself and few minutes later she let go of the ropes for she was tired
Ananya:Okay take in more air.You have to do it one more time without relaxing or else the baby dies.Understand?
But ishkya only nooded
When ishkya pulled herself one more time when she heard a baby crying.
Ananya:(holding the baby)Congrats!it's a baby girl.Well you are bleeding a lot I will call an ambulance to take you to the hospital.
Ishkya;(weakly)No please don't!And don't tell any one that I have a child.
Ananya:I promise
When Ananya helped her wash the child and prepared her a meal
Ananya:(smilingly)So what shall her name be?
Ishkya:I shall name her Biji,li
Ananya:Wow!such a name.Anyway I have a session to attend will you be okay alone?
Ananya:In case of anything you can call me
Ishkya;(smillingly)Okay I will do that

It was an early morning as ishkya was still sleeping when she felt someone shaking her.
Biji,li:Wake up mummy!Times up
Ishkya:I am really sorry dear won't you give me five more minutes of rest?
Biji,li:Then I will sit here and begin crying
Ishkya:Okay!Okay!I am getting up
When ishkya took Biji,li to shower combed her hair straight kept a red powder on her forehead then gave her a red sari.When she took her to the dining room.
Biji,li:(dissapointed)Not again mummy delaying me with breakfast.No I am not going to eat it.
Ishkya;(kneeling and holding her shoulder)I really understand how anxious you are.But you should at least eat something.
Biji,li:(turning aside)No I am not going to open my mouth.
Ishkya:(taking a cookie)Now after you have a single bite and off we go.
Biji,li:You swear
Ishkya:(lifting her right hand)I swear
When Biji,li opened her mouth and took a single bite.
Biji,li:(while chewing)Can we go now mummy?
Ishkya:(stretching her arm) Sure
When they began walking.
Biji,li:Mummy!can you tell me who are we going to meet?
Ishkya:The Buddha
Biji,li:Where does he stay?
Ishkya:In the temple
Biji,li:Is he handsome?
Ishkya:Do you want to propose to him?
Biji,li:Sure I will ask him to marry me and we will live in the temple.
When ishkya noticed reporters running towards her direction she quickly carried Biji,li burried her head on her shoulders and quickly ren with her back home when she took her to the sitting room.
Biji,li:Mummy what's wrong?Aren't we going to see Buddha?I really want to see him just once(holding her sari)Please mummy let me see him once.....
When ishkya quickly hugged her and began crying.
Ishkya:(patting her hair)I am really sorry dear!
When she took her in her room.
Biji,li:(rubbing tears from her mother's cheeks)If me going to see Buddha makes you sad I won't go there. Please smile.
When ishkya took a scissor
Biji,li:(suprised)What?Do you want to cut my hair?But mummy I......
Ishkya:I am really sorry dear