

The email he has received today is marked urgent. But it's from a friend who died two years ago.
who played the prank and why ? are the thoughts lingering on my mind. The pain that felt from being left alone the emptiness that I felt when I lost him....are all coming back again like the dark shadows of sorrow.
In another side a horror feeling of may be his death was just a lie an utter lie. May be he is alive and sent me a email .But how was that even possible as we all saw his dead body.
May be it's his soul that came back for the work that remains unfinished. Whatever I think gives no way of truth to it. With all might I opened the email and with the first sentence my heart beat was heard ..lub-dub
It was written ' my dear friend..' and date was of yesterday... It shook the ground beneath my feet. My eyes started tearing up body covered with sweat and feeling of dizzy was gaining it's control over my body...All my world started to crumble when I read the letter....It said of betrayal and cruelty....he asked for help again and again but none came.....it was the dark night and he knocked my door and beg me to give him some money...I asked him the reason but he refused to tell and repeated the same sentence again and again. with none putty refused to gave him the money he needed and then he left the place. later next morning we heard about his death....but the mail does not explain anything.....I tried to grasp my breath and enquired with miss X who was my friend's wife ... nothing of that sort.... Altogether I wanted to forget all the things...but the regret never let me and now this mail...of I had given him the money he needed I would have....I thought. But after two days I heard nearly all of the people had been in some what free condition all along and it's later I got the news saying the mail have been sent to all...
I felt relieved by that thinking it not only me but that argue thing that when someone asks you for help you need to help them and if he or she is your friend then you have to do so....
There is another thing that none in this world is of no regrets, no fear, no guilt... everyone suffer......
That day onwards I tried to live my life for the rest not for self....