

Nettie's Surprise Christmas Story
So long ago, she never really knew what a holidays and birthdays were. Then she started school and her older siblings would always tell her stories of the Easter bunny, Santa Claus and Thanksgiving. She was so little she didn't really understand what they were really talking about. Little Bug, is what the siblings called her because she was so little and they would say that she would bug them to let her play. Nettie, was the name her parents gave her and she liked it ok.

She was always so curious asking questions about everything. She couldn't wait to go to school so she could be big like her brothers and sisters. Then she could do homework. Daddy and mommy would be really proud of her because she was super smart too.

Well, today was the big day. She was going to go to school. She had everything packed in there but something was missing. "Oh where did mommy put it" she said to herself. Mommy, where is it? You know I can't go anywhere without my Grammy's bird... you know the lellow one.... teetee bird. Oh Nettie, you silly girl you can't take Tweety to school today you don't want to lose it now do you?

Nettie have her mom a quick, not so happy glance and finally she said "no, I don't to lose it but it can go with me to school and wait for me in the car, right? Please, mommy please... Momma looked at her youngest big eyes and couldn't refuse and said "yes, tweety can go along for the ride." Momma got tweety from of her bed and of to school they went.

Nettie, was so excited she was singing the entire way about how she was going to school and she was going to be as smart as mommy and daddy some day. Of course, Tweety listened intently never blinking an eye and always giving her a smile. Momma pulled up in front of her new school all of the sudden she started to fill a whole lot of nervous and she didn't think that Tweety was too happy about her leaving either. "Um, yeah mommy, I think I changed my mind. There's too many kids and tweety said that grandma needs me to go home and help her to day. Momma just giggled and assured her that she wouldn't leave her until she made her first friend and she didn't. Though, now Momma starting to second guess her decision too. Maybe she was ready, she is just so little, and oh goodness she must be scared... until little Nettie came over and gave her a big hug and a kiss and told her that she found a best friend.

Momma went back to grandma's house where she sat and cried because her little baby girl was getting big and she was looking forward to telling daddy that weekend about her new school and now about her new best friend. Nothing could have prepared Momma for the questions little Nettie was going to have when she came home from school.

When momma came to pick Nettie up she was a little sad and didn't really want to talk about school on the walk home. When they reached Grandma's house little Nettie ran into the house and flopped down on the bed. She ran so fast she didn't even get to see what Grandma had put up in the living room. Finally, she look at momma and plainly asked "momma, why did I never have a Christmas or any presents? How come we never had a Christmas tree? That is just not fair! I want to know why? Is because I was naughty or something, because the kids at school were making fun of me and that's what they said to me!" and tears ran down her little sad face.

How in the world was momma going to explain all of this to her little girl so she would understand? Well, one way or the other she had to answer every one of her sad little questions. Momma pulled her up from the bed and on to her lap and started with the part that broke her baby's heart first. Nettie, Momma said, no honey you were not bad. You were always and still are a good little girl. You don't even concern yourself with what those other kids said.

Now, I am going to tell you somethings about why we never celebrated Christmas and if you have questions I want you to ask them, ok? Little Nettie shook her head yes as she wiped away her tears from her eyes and face. Momma started out about different religions and the things that they believed and what the Christmas tree meant and all that other stuff which Nettie didn't understand but she was not gonna ask a question cuz she started smelling hot cocoa and some cookies and she knew grandma had made them just for her.... as much as she tried to not wiggle and pay attention Momma knew what Grandma had done and she had done it on purpose because she had heard the entire conversation and she was grandma and she had her own twist on the story that would make Momma feel better inside too.

Momma looked at Nettie and said "I know. The only one naughty in this house is Grandma and she knows it, too" they both walked out of the bedroom and little Nettie stopped in her tracks and she looked at her Momma and screamed as loud as she could that grandma had a Christmas tree! As she kept walking to where Grandma was she could see things wrapped up and under the tree and she looked up at me and tears filled my eyes and she ran over to give me hug crying to but she didn't know why. That's when Grandma chimed in and told little Nettie, that Santa didn't know where to deliver her presents so he brought them all to Grandma's house where he knew Grandma would keep them safe until little Nettie could come and open them all up.

This was the first my little baby girl would celebrate Christmas. I sat and listened as my mother told her Christmas stories and tried to hold back tears but to avail they rolled down my cheeks. My mom looked at me and said "it will be alright, don't worry about things anymore tonight." By this time my little Nettie was fast asleep in my arms and ready to tell all the kids at school the story Grandma told, and believe me she did. Then in two was winter break but of course Grandma had her say. Nettie, Grandma said, it's Christmas break don't you let them tell you any different and she didn't. My little girl is all grown up and Christmas time is still her favorite time of the year.

This story was written for her to remember to never let anyone tell you different about the things that are the most important to you.

© Rhonda Broker