

~One Small Message~
Born on one cause and living on another cause ....
Incarnate to achieve one,
To live a life of achieving what is unnecessary ....
The survivors doing? But what about the non-survivors?
Leaving aside all the good qualities like happiness, hard work, love, affection, useful intellect, friendship,
Living your life with bad qualities like jealousy, envy, harshness, selfishness ....
If a man dies in one place, even if they comes to collect it and if they finds some money ... they will go towards it ... Why else?
I mean, are you running after it? Is it running after you ??
Tell me why? All this unnecessary living!
Survivors who have not changed no matter how many times?
Unselfishly, why not give up our lives for the sake of others ??
Putting aside the task of changing your family status, and thinking about how to bring others up? Why keep doing the same thing ??
It may not be what I tell you but if I see you I am afraid that I will change? It may seem wrong but..this is the raw truth !!
Look at what real life looks like once -: -: -
Regardless of who you are, your family, you..especially .. "you" Learn how to live a real life ... !!! After that, everything ... that means everything ... !!
*Help if possible, but do not mind the damage.
* Laugh if you can, but don't hurt anyone.
* Survive other people as you live,
But please don't lock up their lives.
* Change yourself and try to change others, but if you do not change, then please do not change them,
Don't be fooled into turning in the wrong direction ... !!!

** If possible live as a useful life for all four.
Die your own death, and do not harm others * especially....
** Don't kill ... !!!
© @SravanVuppula