

Love, people's perception about you doesn't matter at all 🍂
your single post or story might lead ppl to cancel u easily.
yes, they might. they will. as long as they don't want what u posted or their beliefs and values differ from yours.
Let's accept the fact that not everyone will like you and what you do. They will do everything just to stand firm on what they want to get from u even if it means neglecting and disrespecting u, but will u going to allow them to do that? Is it okay to adjust for them and just choose to please them? Is compromising will be ur final choice just to feel that u are belonged and accepted?

#skl 🌿 the moment I choose to off the reply button on my story on instagram, I got more peace than I ever had (in terms of using the socmed). I don't actually know why but I am amazed at the learnings that I got from doing that and here it is:

☁︎ if there's something that we want to tell someone about their story/life, we will be intentional in going directly to them. If u want to congratulate or correct them, you'll make an effort to do so.
☁︎ it's okay to mute the world's word about you. Just continue living the life that u want.
☁︎ there will be no pressure in replying or reacting to others perspectives about what u posted (i just cannot leave a reply unreplied lol)

I always tell myself that I don't care about other people's opinions about me but still seeking that at the end of the day. I was scared that people will not accept the real me when I show who I am. Being kind, patient, and compassionate is always what you will see in me whenever I am in public. I am afraid that others will cancel me out when I voice out my opinion about this and that; or when I show my hatred towards another person. I'd rather choose to write those not-so-good emotions and cry them out to the Lord than letting the people see it.

I WAS afraid ... until I met people who are willing to get to know who I am, even the darkest side I have, and still accept me for that. And I just thank God for sending people in my life like them that remind me of Himself. Even in my worst, He loved me; He chose me; He accepted me. And knowing that truth, I realized that people don't have the final say in my life. All I need is to listen to the One who died for me — above all else, that matters.

*anyway! it's not that we won't listen to what they'll going to tell about us, the truth is, we must still appreciate it but the decision to live our lives; to act; to post; will not be based on what they say but rather based on how we know ourselves and how the One created us sees us.

You don't need to prove or explain yourself
You don't have to hide
You have the responsibility for yourself but not to prove nor explain to other people because, in the first place, you know yourself more than what they see and know u.

📌 Do everything you want based on who you are, not to please people but to glorify God alone.
📌 You are more than just what they say. Go, live the life that God wants you to have.

© ceewrites