

periods and teenage
Some religions consider periods as a punishment. But it's a mercy of the lord. It's a blessing. No doubt that any liquid that discharges from the vagina is impure but that doesn't mean a person is impure.some religions don't allow females to worship during these days not because they are impure but during these days females require rest and time to maintains hygiene and take care of their health.In Islam females are allowed to recite and meditate .But not allowed to worship physically.It's the will of the Lord who chooses females for the birth of a new generation. So always be thankful for such a precious gift.

Teenage is a period of development and During this process of development adolescents encounter many changes
physical, intellectual, personality and social developmental).

Due to hormonal changes in girls their periods start. Their mensuration cycle starts
The menstrual cycle is the hormonal driven cycle. Hormones are chemical messengers. The ovaries release the female hormones estrogen and progesterone. These hormones cause the lining of the uterus (or womb) to build up. The built-up lining is ready for a fertilized egg to attach to and start developing. If there is no fertilized egg, the lining breaks down and bleeds. The process of breaking down and bleeding is called periods. Then the same process happens all over again. It usually takes about a month for the lining to build up, then break down. That is why most girls and women get their periods around once a month.

A period is a release of blood from a girl's uterus, out through her vagina. It is a sign that she is getting close to the end of puberty.

Nowadays teenagers get mature before the time due to exposure .social media is a place where all sort of content is available. Teenagers encounter adult content that is not good for their age. Due to this exposure teenage girls get periods early. Normally girls get a period at age of 13 to 15. In this era, girls get periods at age of 8,9and 10.
I do remember when I was 11yr old I was not aware of such a thing.

One day I found whisper pads in the wardrobe .I thought it's a beauty product. I pulled one from the packet and I washed my face and sprinkle Himalayan facewash on the pad and then scrubbed it on my face. I throw it in the dustbin after using that. I asked my mom how I am looking. she replied what you did. I said I washed my face with this beauty product and she laughed a lot.

This was the innocence of childhood at that time. Most of my friends got periods in 9th and 10th classes. Now I saw students from 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th get periods and this is not normal.

Now even small kids know the use of whisper pads. A 7yr old boy asked me, what is the use of whisper pads. I said baby it's for kids and he replied you don't know that it's for girls. It all happens due to modernisation and early exposure.

Some religions consider periods as a punishment. But it's a mercy from the lord .some some religions don't allow females to worship during these days not because those having periods are impure but during these days females require rest and time to maintains hygiene and take care of their health.No doubt that any liquid that discharges from the vagina is impure but that doesn't mean a person is impure.

Do’s during Menstruation Cycle:
Change your sanitary napkin.
Have lots of veggies and fruits in your diet.
Keep track of your period
Speak about your flow

Don’ts during Menstruation Cycle:
Avoid Waxing.
Don’t forget to change your sanitary pad.
Avoid using cleansers with artificial fragrances to clean the vaginal part.
Avoid pain killers during periods.
Don’t ignore any symptoms.

Foods to eat
Water. Drinking a lot of water is always important, and this is especially true during your period. ...
Fruit. Water-rich fruits, such as watermelon and cucumber, are great for staying hydrated. ...
Leafy green vegetables. ...
Ginger. ...
Chicken. ...
Fish. ...
Turmeric. ...
Dark chocolate.

Food Items To avoid
Alcohol .
Caffeinated drinks :
Processed foods :
Foods high in fats :
Dairy products :
Fried foods :
Refined grains :
Foods with a high salt content .

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