

See-Saw of Feminism ( Part-1)
Have you ever wondered what a great thing it is to be a female!

The best part is, you always carry the burden of proof on yourself!

Well! It is entirely upto the readers to comeforth with the conclusion whether having the 'Burden of Proof' hovering on us all the time is good or a bad one...

But rather leaving my much obliged readers vague in the landscape of varied thoughts, I would love to make it a more figurative experience 😊

In the famous story of Mahabharata we all know Duryodhan as the bad guy, a brat, a villian, a denouncer of feminine self-respect so on and so forth, but we all have entirely forgotten the fact that before being all these he is also a human; just a Human, a son, a man...

Having said so, my intention is not to justify his acts or position but to bring forth one major aspect!

Who grooms a boy to become a responsible man? Of course the parents!

In case of Duryodhana father is born blind and mother is blind folded. We can not ignore the truth that Gandhari failed to provide a sensible upbringing to her son's.

But the see-saw situation is towards whom was she more responsible? Towards her husband for whom to prove herself a righteously dutiful wife she blind-folded herself or towards the sons whom she has given birth but failed to nurture positively.

But this isn't the end of my doubt! Inspite of her girt of making decision bto remain blind-folded forever, why is she portrayed as helpless! The answer is...

Because she had the Burden to prove herself as a dutiful wife and a good mother. But between these two aspects where is Ghandhari the Woman?!

Why do we need Dhritarashtra or Duryodhana to remember Ghandhari? Because this is what she had chosen for herself.

We females make choices about our identity and then dwell in the see- saw situation of proving ourselves.

Trust me the world isn't absolutely cruel to us, the men do need us as a sister, mother, wife, beloved, friend, teacher... but we need to make the pioneering of our individuality strong so that incase there's any Duryodhana out there who is misled because of sheer negligence of his parents we can handle him courageously.

It's time to get down from the see-saw and pioneer ourselves strongly where we are respectable to men and men are respectable to us. Because the ultimate truth is Yin and Yang both are needed for the growth of life!
© Amrita Chandan