

Feathers of misconception: story of unlikely refuge

As the relentless rain poured down, a weary little bird sought shelter. "Please, let me in," the bird pleaded to an owl. "The rain doesn't seem to stop anytime soon, and my wings are wet and heavy. I can't fly anymore."

But the owl replied, "Go away! My nest is full."

Undeterred, the little bird flew to another nest, only to be chased away with the same response. As the storm intensified, the bird's hopes dwindled.

Shivering and soaked, the bird landed near a vulture's nest. Fearful of the vulture's reputation, the bird hesitated. But the vulture, observing the bird's distress, invited it in.

"Come, little one. You look wet and in need of somewhere warm," the vulture said gently.

The bird reluctantly accepted, fearing the vulture's intentions. But to its surprise, the vulture shielded it with its wings, providing warmth and comfort.

As the bird dried off, it asked, "Why did you help me? I've heard vultures eat birds like me."

The vulture replied, "Just because others say something, doesn't make it true. I helped you because you needed it. Don't let rumors and assumptions blind you to kindness."

The bird realized that its fear was rooted in misconceptions. "I was told to stay away from you," it said.

"Why, if I may ask?" asked the vulture.

"Because you eat animals, and one day you may likely eat us," said the bird.

"But have I eaten you?" asked the vulture.

"No, and I'm surprised," said the bird.

The vulture's words resonated deeply. "You see, what hinders us from good communication and relationships with people is because of rumors and assumptions about someone. Do not let the perception of what others say about someone mar your relationship with people who will help you in life. Always build good relationships with people around you, not minding what others may think of you. Your enemy today might be your helper tomorrow."

In that moment, the little bird understood the power of kindness, compassion, and understanding. It learned to look beyond rumors and assumptions, and to build relationships based on trust and empathy. And the vulture, once feared and misunderstood, became an unlikely friend and refuge.