

The last thought
Siebert woke up at that morning very early. Augustina was still sleeping like an angle next to him. Her eyes were slightly closed behind her long dakr eyelashes. Her soft smooth skin, he was never tired to stroke. The slight smile. She was probably dreaming about something very nice. Her curly white hair that layed smoothly on her cussion. How could he every get bored watching her waking up. He put the blanket over her, so she would not get cold and silently left the room. Already 20 minutes later he was waiting in the line of the local supermarket with a box of white chocolate strawberry pralines and a bouquet of red roses. He was imaging Augustina with the bouquet. How happy she would be. How her eyes would light up. How she would gently put them in a vase on the piano so she would see them everytime she would enter the room. How she would open up the pralines box and would put one in her mouth. How she would enjoy the taste. How she would laugh. How she would fall around his neck and would stay in his armm for a long time. How they would dance together. As they danced when they first got married. The many beautiful years they had. Their two sons, who were his absolute proud and their daughter, that was as beautiful and kind as her mother. He was thinking about her when he sat down in the car. Was imagining the moment he he would see her and close her in his arm. Saddly that never happened. Siebert was on the way back from the supermarket. The pralines and the bouquet were laying next to him. At one point the bouquet fell down. Siebert tried to lift it up again, but lost the control over the car. He died before somebody could rescue him out of the car wrack. He died with the bouquet on his chest  and his last thought was about Augustina. The love of his life. The only love he had every experienced, his wife, he was married 40 years with...