

Adam and Jeremy Green - Ep.1:The Wrath of One-Eyed Billy

The sun slowly made its way to the west. Darkness started to envelop the surroundings. Adam stared anxiously as the sun disappeared into the horizon.
​ Realisation dawned on him that he was lost in the woods. He had to find his way out.
“Oh no…this can’t be happening to me.”
As he paced in circles, he chanced upon a burrow. The cold air and stillness of the night made Adam desperately seek shelter. The swishy swashy of the leaves brought goose bumps to Adam.
​ Adam decided to hide in the burrow while waiting for daylight to break. He took a step in and down he rolled all the way.
“Ahhh…..”, cried Adam.
​With a heavy thud, he landed in a clearing. Still dazed, he stood up. Adam saw a trail of glittering magic mist. He followed the trail and in a blink of an eye, a pixie appeared.
“I’m Jeremy Green’s bestie”, he said proudly. “My name is Blue Boots. Clomp! Clomp!”
​ He pulled Adam onto his back and off they flew to Forever Land. When they arrived, Jeremy Green was waiting for them, sitting on a tree branch. Before Jeremy could utter a word, One-Eyed Billy jumped in and grabbed Adam. Frightened, Adam screamed at the top of his lungs.
​Without hesitation, Jeremy flew down as fast as lightning.
“You evil pirate!” howled Jeremy, drawing his dagger.
“Let him go!”
​One-Eyed Billy waved his sword at Jeremy. “No, never! Hahaha. That’s the end of you.”
© autumnB