

Hacked (Part 2)
One day a boy named 'Steffen' came there to live in Apartment in which Mia lived. 5-6 weeks passed he was not coming outside his room. Than 1 day Mia decided to go to his room. When she ringed the bell of his room, Some voice of feet were coming like some one is coming to open the door. Than Steffen opened the door, He was so handsome.

Mia: Hey! I live here in front of your house🙂

Steffen: Okay!😔(Said in sad voice)

Mia: Can i ask you something ❓

Steffen: Yes sure

Mia: Why are you so sad❓

Steffen: Ummm, I..........

To be Continued........

I hope you all have readed my 1st part of this book..
