

Modesto Summers
I can never forget the joyous days of my childhood, especially the summer when all we did was swim in the river or lie on it's edge, we jumped in canals, and I sat in my Aunt's cherry tree for hours on end with a plain brown paper bag, I ate more than what ended up in that bag. Everyone said I would make myself sick, but I never did.

My family is a big, loud, crazy bunch. Endlessly funny, I love them all so much, but they made me crazy too. This is why I sat in trees for hours. I miss being as gullible as I was sometimes. I always took things so literal and serious, and they were always laughing at me whenever I did. They reminded me, teased me endlessly. embarrassed me, and of course I was always doing something for them to tease and laugh at me about. I ranhome in tears one day when my Uncle told me he liked my camel shirt, and when I was confused, he dropped the bomb... that it had humps. I did not laugh at that one.

We cruised McHenry, we listened to music, we got in trouble(but not too much) we had giant bbqs, and partied with friends. We went to the drive-In on the weekends, my boyfriend and I. driving around and parking in the dark because we couldn't keep our hands off each other.

Some of the boys tried talking the girls into going to watch the "submarine" races. Right, and the best part, they were racing at the canal bank!

We played lots of games. Pool, cardsk, dominoes, and triple yahtzee. One Summer we drove around around with the new super soaker. We got everyone wet, and drove away. Only people we already knew, but they never did catch us. We raced motorcycles, and muscle cars, we danced the nights away, and we drove to San Francisco just to watch the sun come up..

On my street we knew everyone, and everyone knew us. My house was the hang out. They knocked on my bedroom window at night, I would talk to them through it, right up in the front, and on a few occasions I crawled out.

The pool with the slide and the hot tub my step-father built himself out of redwood, was always popular. We couldn't get away with too much, after all, they knew too much, but
I always knew that if anyone tried to hurt me, my Uncles' would be right there and would do anything to protect us. Like the time the guy who lived on the corner, got jealous that I didn't want to go out with him, and threw me in my own pool after I was already ready to go on a date. My uncle told him if he ever touched me again the only thing he was going to have left to play with was his nubs. I had to laugh, because he deserved it, and the water hose he got from me through his bedroom window when I got home that evening.

The stories and Summers were endless until they weren't. I would go back and do it all over again, if only I could.
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