

Friends & Love Fads | 4 |
▪︎ NOTE : Previous Parts necessary ▪︎

The #nightmare took it's first step into #reality
the #incidents he was hoping to turn out to be a #dream had brought themselves into factuality.

& to add-on to the pain & #confusions, his friend now knew the #truth
reading the text, the #fear he got of losing his friend was huge.

He didn't know should he accept it or not
he could not response to the message on the spot.

He just keeps the phone away & gets engaged in the #thoughts
he keeps thinking about having to face the possible #loss.

After thinking about the solution for these mad #feelings, he comes to an end
He decides that he is not anymore gonna #pretend.

He now wants to tell the friend everything that's going on between him & the girl
& how showing her to him caused all these #confusions & #whirls.

He sets out to go & make everything clear
depite having some tremendous fears.

They go to their chilling 'tea' spot, where it all had began.
he doesn't know what to say but hopes his friend will #understand.

Before he starts, his friend asks;
"Do you know the girl that I've been stalking?
A friend of mine said he saw you both talking."

He puts it all together & says just one word; "Haan"
the friend says "kabse? & abhi tak mujhe kyun nahi pataa?"

He starts explaining him everything from the beginning
& because he knew the girl before his friend, he tells him that everything that happened was totally unwilling.

His #friend listens to everything 'til the end patiently
as he knows whatever he was gonna do or say, it had to be done efficaciously.

He asks him "Do you love her?"
& he doesn't #deny.
They leave the place after some time
'til now, his heart is a bit sublimed.

The same evening, he gets a text.

It says "Hi"

It's the girl !

He asks her how did she get his number.
she replies "my friends asked your friend where you have vanished & he just gave them your number."

| Friends & Love Fads |