

The unknown creatures
chapter 2

? Ana's pov ?
We both walked out of the house,, I locked it and put the key inside my purse.
" Don't you think it's not safe traveling with this type of money?? " I asked
" Am not dumb Ana " She replied
She closed her eyes like she's inspecting something,,, for like 10 minutes her eyes were closed.
She finally opened it,, she faced me and smiled

" Are you ready?? " she asked,,, I nodded. I just have to trust her no matter what
" Good " she said
" Close your eyes " she said
Wait don't tell me we wanna disappear,, I sigh and closed my eyes
" Open "

I opened my eyes and gasped when I saw a big mansion before us,, I turned to her.
" What is this place?? " I asked wanting an explanation
" I bought this house yesterday,, " she replied and we started walking in. The house is a very big one, I can't understand Cella so I stopped asking questions.

" But where are we?? " I managed to ask
" We are in Mexico " She said and I gasped
What??? From California??
This is like a movie,,
" Wow " I said as we entered the mansion.

" Get yourself a room " she said
I nodded and went upstairs,, the rooms are so large and amazing.
I found one and entered,, this is my taste I know

I dropped the few bags with me and laid on the bed,, I slept off immediately
I opened my eyes when the sun hit my face,, wow I can't believe I slept for so long. The door opened and Cella came in,, I managed to sit up.

" It's a good thing you're awake,, don't you ever starve the babies again,,, have this " She handed over some pizza and a cup of milk to me
" Thank you Cella,, you're the best " I said and started eating
She watched me as I eat,, I finished the pizza and drank the milk.
She touched my tommy with a smile playing on her face
" Do you mind coming down,, I set the whole house already " she said
" What?? How can you do that alone? " I gasped
" Do you have to worry?? I used my powers " she said

I sigh and nodded,,
We both walked out of the room and went downstairs,, wow she really dressed the house beautifully.

" You're really amazing " I smiled
" Thank you Ana " she replied

We sat down chatting for hours,, she's really fun to be with.

gradually,my stomach began to grow, I always think about Harry every single day...

how we fell in love and everything, even though cella is just the perfect person she still couldn't help wishing Harry was here with her.

she had always wanted cella to take revenge on Frank but the former had told her that Harry said all should be forgotten..

life has really been good and also stressful cause she can't believe she's the one carrying this big pregnancy...she wonders how many babies she is carrying..

she and cella has adapted to their life in Mexico, they will always wake up in morning for exercise and retire back home... the money cella took has been more than enough for them..

? Cella's pov ?

" Cella!!!! " I heard Ana screaming, I immediately rushed out of the kitchen and ran upstairs
I gasped when I saw her,, her water just broke. Oh no,,,
" Sorry Ana,, everything is going to be fine " I said assuring her
" Oh,,, my back hurt so much " She screamed
" It's fine,, you will be okay, trust me " I said as we both walked downstairs.

I left her and rushed into the kitchen, I put off the gas cooker and rushed back to her.
" Where did you go!! " she yelled in pain
" Am sorry " I said
We finally got outside, I dropped her into the car and entered,,, I drove out of the compound.

" We are getting there in 5 minutes trust me " I said increasing my speed
" I can't wait " she said lowly
" No Ana,, don't do this to me please " I said weeping silently

I keep on looking back to see if she's okay,,, I drove into the hospital and shouted for the nurses to come out.
They ran out immediately and carried Ana into the ward, I wanted to follow but they refused

I was pacing round the hospital,,, nothing must happen to the babies or Ana,,, nothing.

" Calm down mam, she will be fine " a nurse said
I nodded and continue pacing,,, I heard as she screamed and my fear arose again.
I hope she come out safely


The doctor came out,, I ran to him immediately
" How is everything?? " I asked
" The babies are fine " he said
" The Mother? " I asked

" She's also fine but she said she wanna have a word with you " he said
I nodded and smiled out tears,, I rushed into the ward.
" Ana,, you made it " I smiled and kissed her hair
" Cella " she called and I faced her
" Please,,,,,,, take,, care of my children,,, "
" What nonsense are you saying?? We are going to take care of them together " I said

" I wish so but I'm sorry cella it's not possible and I'm happy I will be able to see my Harry again,, " she said

I immediately took her hand
" Nothing is going to happen okay?? " I said but then she released her hand from mine
I faced her,, her eyes was closed
" Ana,,,, Ana,, " I called but no response

" Doctor!!!!!!!! " I shouted and ran out
" What's happening?? " the doctor asked
" I don't know,, please check her " I cried

He rushed in and I followed, he attend to her and shook his head

" doctor,, how is she?? " I asked
" am sorry,,, she's gone " he said and covered her face with the white clothes
" No!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ana!!!!!!! " I screamed shaking her,,, but its all the same
Ana!!! No!!!!!
But she's really dead,,,,,,,

I walked in carrying the three babies in the baby carriers,,, a tear dropped from my eyes. It's two girls and a boy,, they look so cute.
I promise you Ana, and my brother Harry. I will take care of them like they are my children,, you will never regret leaving them with me Ana,,

They will never know poverty in their life,,,, I wipe my tears and took them upstairs.

18 years later

? Rainey's pov ?

" Riley,,, can you get the f**k out of the room right now?? We're running late already!!! " I yelled
" Am sorry, I will be back " She shouted from her room

" Am off " Reed said walking downstairs

" Don't you dare leave us alone or you are in trouble " I yelled
" Yell all you want,, I can't continue waiting for you guys when I have my own life to live " He said

" Reed,, don't talk that way. They are your sisters " Mom said
Finally Riley got out of the room,,, I rolled my eyes and went downstairs
" Bye mom " we all said as we walked out of the house
" Stay away from trouble!! " she called after us

" Don't worry mom,, am the gentle type " Reed said

" Reason why you always get bullied by Gavin and his gang " Riley said causing us to laugh
" am only letting it slide because I know Rainey have a crush on him " He said

" What?? Is that true? " Riley asked.

" You are not gonna believe this guy right?? " I rolled my eyes and we all went into the car
Anyway,, we are the TRIPLE R. We are triplets,,, I, Riley and Reed, we are one of the richest kids in our school. Riley and I look really beautiful,, many guys have a crush on us but we never looked at them.
Mom warned us to stay away from guys and that's what we're doing.

Reed is not left out,, almost all the girls want to have him. He have too many enemies, because they believe he's getting more attention from girls.
He's worst enemy is Gavin,, he always wanna get on Reed anger. He never fight back though, and I wonder why.

We attend one of the best school here in Mexico,,, we are living really well but am still curious to know who our father is. We dare not ask mom anyway


We got down from the car and as usual,, we got the attentions. We walked side by side with Reed in the middle,, even though we act silly sometimes.
I know we all love ourselves so much, no one can ever get between us.

Reed and I walked into our class while Riley went to hers,,, she's in a different department. Riley and I deal with science, but she prefer Art.
I sat down,, I don't have any friend anyway. All the girls hate me thinking am stealing their boyfriend,,
I don't know when they will grow up from that,, I don't even care about love for now.

The teacher came in and I was a bit relieved,,, I brought out my text and listened as the teacher say his things.


I carried my backpack ready to walk out of the class,,,
" Hey Reed,, let's go " I turned to him, he was struggling out of the grip of a popular girl called kit
How can she think of having my brother when she hate me

" Kit, stop. I've told you am not interested in all these,, just leave me alone " I heard Reed
I fold my fist and moved closer to them,,
" What the heck is happening here?? Didn't you hear him telling you to leave him alone??? " I yelled

" Rainey,,, calm down. I can handle this " Reed said

" Leave her and let's go this minute " I yelled
" Are you Reed?? You disgust me " She said and push me

I rushed to her ready to smash her,, she's lucky Reed came to hold me
" Rainey stop,, let's go " he grab me and we walked out of the class

I turned back and point my finger at her,
" I will get you " I said
" Rainey!!! It's okay!!! " Reed yelled

" Am trying to support you,, "

" I don't need it,, you're over reacting " He said and walked out
" What's going on?? " Riley asked running to us

" None of your business " I snapped and walked into the car

The driver starts the car and drove out of the school compound,, the drive was a silent one

We got home,, I left the car and went into the house. Good thing mom is not home yet, she would ask different questions. I hate it when I am trying to help and they don't appreciate it,,,

? Riley's pov ?

" What is with the two of you this time?? " I asked Reed
" She's always taking things more than she should,, she would have hit Kit if I didn't stop her " He replied

" I don't know why she's always like that,, but you should know she's only trying to protect you. She's hurt right now " I said

" I will just make it up to her,, but not now " he said and entered his room. I sighed,,, they always argue, I hope it stop soon,,,
I also entered my room and banged the door,,,, these kids are getting on my nerves already.

❤ Rainey's pov ❤

I got out of my room and decided to check on Tally,,, my dog. It ran out waging his tail the moment he saw me,,, I smiled and carried him up. The dog became motionless,, what's happening???

I shook it gently but it won't move,, I placed it on the ground and it stood still. No, I don't want to believe Tally is actually dead.
" Tally!!!!!!!!!! " I shouted in tears
" Rainey, what's happening?? Why are you screaming like that? " Riley asked moving closer to me

" Riley, it's Tally " I said choking on my word

" What happened to him?? "
" He's dead Riley,, I don't know how. I just carried him and he died,, how can that happen " I asked and roughed my hair

" It's okay Rainey,, maybe it's just a coincidence for it to die in your hand " she said and hugged me

" Tally!! " I cried on her shoulder
" It's okay Rainey,, don't cry " she said patting my back softly

I wipe off my tears and we both went upstairs,, but I feel really weird about this. Am sure I saw him feeling well, it was after I carried it that it became motionless. I can't just think straight right now,,

I decided to go out so I could clear my head,, I put on my hood and a trainers. I walked out of my room and went downstairs,,,

" Where are you going?? " Reed asked dropping the cup of water on the table
" Do you care? " I snapped and moved closer to the exit

" Am sorry okay?? I was just thinking,, you acted too much,, am sorry " he said
I turned to him and smiled
" Okay " I said and walked out of the house

I walked on the silent road,,, the sun was set already. Everywhere was silent,,, the trees were still and suddenly feel scared. I started running until I get to the city,, I stopped panting harder. I saw a coffee shop, I immediately entered and sat down.

After resting for some minutes, I stood up and walked to the man selling the coffee.

" Hot chocolate please " I said
" Okay " he responded and asked me to wait.

He faced me and hand over the cup to me, our hands met in the process. He immediately started shaking that the coffee fell from my hand,,,

I watched as the young man collapsed on the ground and died,, oh no it's happening again.

Firstly it was my best pet,,,, what is happening to me?

Why can't I touch anything without getting the person hurt?

I heard the police coming, I need to run for my life or I will be done for. I ran out of the coffee shop immediately rushing home.

( Hearts Of Light )


? Riley ?

Reed and I were busy with our school work when Rainey ran in panting like someone who is being chased,,, I jerked off immediately.

" Rainey, what's happening?? " I asked touching her
She burst into tears,,

" What happened?? " Reed asked moving closer

" I,,, I just killed someone " she said bursting into more tears

" What???!!! " Reed and I shouted

" How?? " I asked getting scared already

" I don't know,,,,, our hands touched,, and he died. Same thing happened to Tally,, I don't know what's happening to me " she burst into another round of tears

" But,, I just touched you and nothing happened " I said getting more confused

" Believe me,,, am sure something is wrong with me " She said

" I don't understand anything " Reed said pacing round the large living room
" What if,,, the cops are after me now?? I killed him, " she cried

" It's not your fault Rainey,,,, "
" It's f**king my fault and you know that!!! " she yelled in tears

One part of the room got destroyed,, we all stood up immediately. Reed and I faced each other and then back to Rainey who also look surprised

" Watch out!!! " I grab Reed before the concrete hit him
" What's happening?? Am getting scared " I said

" I need to confirm something " Reed said and went out
What is he planning to do???
I kept quiet as I watch Rainey breathing harder than normal,, I sigh.

Soon,,, Reed came in with a puppy
" Where did you get the dog? " I asked
" I bought it " he replied and faced Rainey

" What are you planning?? " I asked and stood up
He moved closer to Rainey,,,
" Carry this puppy " he said

" What?? No,, I can't afford to hurt this innocent dog " Rainey said tearfully
" That doesn't matter right now,, we have to confirm what's wrong " He said

He handed the dog over to Rainey,,, the moment the dog got to her. He died,,, I gasped and covered my mouth with my palm

She threw the dog away looking more scared,,,

" this is more serious than I thought " Reed said
" what are we gonna do?? " I asked

" We have to tell mom about this,,,, it's not safe for people to stay with Rainey right now " He replied

" But,, how come she doesn't have any effect on us?? " I asked looking more confused

" maybe it's because we are siblings?? " he answered

" No,, I think something is weird about these " I said and collapsed on the sofa

" Then what " Reed said and sigh
Rainey sat down on the floor weeping silently

" Riley look!! " Reed shouted pointing at the broken part of the room

" What? " I asked
" See that,,,, it's a shining stuff I don't know " he said moving closer to it
I pulled him back

" Are you crazy?? Do you wanna die?? "
" Am sure it's the effect of what happened,,,, it's not natural " he said

" Reason why you can't touch it " I snapped
Rainey suddenly started screaming,,, Reed and I turned to her.

I gasped and moved back when I saw what's happening,,,, fire??? Coming out of every part of her body??

" Riley..!!! Is she burning??!!! " Reed asked looking scared
" I don't know " I cried

We both stood still watching her screaming as the fire got more tense,,,,
" We need to save her " Reed shouted and rushed inside
He came back with a bucket of water,,, he poured everything on Rainey. In the process, a wide wind blew him away throwing him roughly,, he hit his head on the floor and lost conscious.

" Reed!!!!!!!! " I shouted and ran to him
" Reed wake up!!! Reed!!! " I shake him but he's not waking up

I turned to Rainey in tears,,,, the fire is gone already. She stood up and ran toward us

" What happened to Reed?? " she asked
" He hit his head on the floor thanks to you " I snapped and turned back to Reed.

" Am sorry,,, I was not myself. I don't know what's happening to me right now " She cried
I shook my head and touched Reed.

He opened his eyes,,,,,,,
" You're awake " I smiled and hugged him
" What happened?? " he asked standing up

" You can't remember?? " I asked
" I remember holding a bucket of water,, and then,,,,,, I don't know " He said touching his head

" We need to act fast before she start hurting everyone,,,, where do you think mom went to?? " I asked

We all faced each other looking confused,,,,

? Cella ?

" You should know they are up to the age right now,,, you have to do all your best to protect them. They have the rarest power in them,,,, the power we've been searching for is in them,,,, but it's only when they are in unity. They have to join hands together to bring out the Scath we want " The leader said

" But I don't want them to get involved in this,,, they are too innocent for,,, "

" It's their destiny Cella " He interrupted

I sigh,,
" You should tell them before it's too late " he added

I nodded and got up
" Am leaving " I said and walked out of the mansion.

I appeared in front of ours making sure nobody finds out,,,, I walked in.

" Mom!!! " Riley shouted rushing to me while Reed only laid on the couch. What's wrong??

I touched Riley's cheek,, she smiled but I noticed that she have been crying
" Riley, what happened?? " I asked

She turned to Reed who struggled to sit up,,
" What happened to your head? " I rushed to him
They both kept quiet
" And where is your sister?? " I asked but they kept quiet

I closed my eyes and traveled out of time,, I saw everything causing me to gasp

" Mom,, are you okay?? " Riley asked touching me
" Tell me where your sister is " I said
" her room "

I immediately ran upstairs,, she was laying on the bed innocently. I sat down on the bed stroking her hair,, a tear dropped from my eyes.

I promised your mom to take good care of you,, now what's happening?? Why must it be your destiny to do things like that?? I don't want you guys to end up like Harry and I who hide ourselves,, right now you're in trouble for killing someone.

What do I do??
" Mom,, don't touch her!! You may get hurt!! " Reed shouted running to me
In that process,, Rainey woke up. She moved away from us like she's scared,,
"'it's okay baby." I said holding her hand

" Mom,, you should have seen what happened while you went out,, "
" I know everything that happened kids,, it's my fault. I should have explained to you " I said wiping my tears

" What do you mean?? " Rainey asked

" Can you all sit down so I can explain?? "

Reed and Riley sat down immediately I said that,,, I cleared my throat and started

" 18 years ago............
" What?? So you mean,,, you're not our mother? " Rainey asked looking shocked

" Don't say that,, she's our mother no matter what " Reed replied
" We,,, are not humans?? " Riley asked almost tearing up
" Am so sorry " I said
" So,,, what happened to Rainey is gonna happen to us?? But what if it's more worst than hers?? What if we get into trouble?? " She cried and ran out

" I will talk to her " Reed said and went after her
" Mom,, it's fine. I know you did everything because you love us " Rainey said and hug me.

How do I tell them their destiny?? Will they ever accept to hurt the enemies?? They are too innocent to do that,, they are still young to do all that. Help me lord,,,

? Riley ?

I sat down and wipe my tears slowly,, I still find it hard to believe,, our father was an inhuman?? But my mother was human,, so why can't i be human?
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