

to all my followers and my following I owe you so much and I'm going to write one thing that and then I'm going to be gone for a while. And I might not come back unless I find somebody's View they can change my way of looking at things as a stand.
this is a warning to all this violence and religious people that are fanatics. I'm not attacking your religion in any way or your belief in any way I just have a different View oh, you did my experience what I've learned what I've read and what I Know. first and foremost I find that Christians find themselves really self-righteous and overly delusional. they accept policy instead of fact they open their hearts of the delusion instead of Truth Point Blank the truth is nobody has faith faith does not exist there is no such thing as faith. The very aspect of having faith if you have something small as a mustard seed of Faith you can perform Miracles and move mountains don't you fucking got faith move a mountain making Miracle bring somebody back to life otherwise shut the fuck up you ain't got no faith and keep your point of view to yourself you self-righteous bastards. now that sounded really assaulting and very irritating and very attacking point intended no. I don't ask for you Christians to come to me and tell me what you think and what you do is you do that all by yourself I don't want it I don't like it I don't need it I don't believe it so please keep your opinions to yourself. Help yourself instead of helping somebody else because you not doing it right. it doesn't matter what you believe we all have free will. and instead of bleeding in the Holy Bible which was created by King James cuz he wanted to marry his cousin and any protest against the Catholic church this became the Bible the King James Bible I know Morgan's history about the Bible and everything in it did most people will I ever learn I forgot most people will ever have knowledge. I'm not saying this to float my boat or saying I'm above you or better than you or anybody in any way because I am not. Everybody has a capacity and they have a limit to that capacity. IQ does not say how smart and intelligent you are I choose says what's Your Capacity to comprehend and understand and overcoming and obtain. Mine is Sky High. I met others close to mine that I can relate to but I've never in life found my limit. No matter what it is any obstacle I overcome and she even surmount. there's nothing I never got baffled by or didn't understand it might have leave me for a minute but it takes a second to get things into your own ice soon obtain the understanding of everything I'm not saying I'm great I'm not saying that I'm just saying everybody has their potential and their limits I haven't found mine yet and I'm 56. now the last thing I want to say and I hope it goes away I hope it goes right to the point this is to all my tractors and all the people that tagging me and following me for wherever I go and whatever I do and it's especially goes out to the one that calls herself my twin flame. everything is an illusion everything is illusion there is no reality there is only conscious conscious everything else is just Make-Believe. I love you and traditionally I love you truly and I love you always been it doesn't mean I have to be with you. The simple fact is there's too much to be comes in between us any time we get together it's too much obstacle I'm not doing it anymore so the guy you thought you knew what you probably do know better than he knows himself Jack he's dead I killed the personification of him. now I'm going to make a decision and it's going to be awhile before I get to see decision or not I'm going to give you time but things in order and do things that you need to do to straighten shit up stop. But the breaking point became when I had my rib roast in there cuz you're crazy fan. next time I see somebody that I remember from other towns other places it's been following me I'm taking a picture and sending it to the age of the victim Services is on my bring this shit down. So go away dishes disassemble and leave me alone pay me what you owe me for everything that you that you took from me my lyrics my songs that you did the other artists and didn't give me credit for and getting paid for it I want that she and I want it now so I said you got 48 hours yesterday I'm going to stretch it until the end of the month just in case you have trouble wrapping your head around what I'm saying. It's over it's done it's all the way if I get through I'm not putting up with it anymore and if I were you I'd get the shit straight and understand what it is. So unless you could be 100 and put everything on the table and come to the table and fucking do it right and do a humble and do it fucking 100 I'm done I'm over at 2 when I see you I don't want to talk to you when I see your people I would take pictures and I will ignore you like you don't exist. now what's all that did Jackson erect rejected I just put out there maybe you should fix yourself before you try to fix somebody else. I knew what was going on from the get-go I just gave you enough rope to fucking hang yourself. And you do that consistently and beautifully cuz you're just do it repeatedly you just fall into their trap. It's called ho checking it and every time I check out hoe I see all you people. now you spend all this time watching me and they're deserving me but you don't take any effort to promote anything helpful in my situation was so ever. I can get a taxi don't do nothing that whatever happens happens and you have no fucking anything in it at all so it's good I'm sure if you're tripping so once and finally I'm going to wait till the end of the month and if you really do care like you I don't think you do but if you really got something in your heart for me come to me talk to me put it all on the table and let's work it out otherwise fuck it I don't care if you're famous I don't care if you wish I never gravitated towards you I don't have no ambition I don't have no motivation to be rich if it happens it happens I don't give a a fuk about Richards Richards is fake it's a boring subject that doesn't even belong on this planet. Nature gives you everything for free all you have to do is be on a hunter gatherer your true path everybody's true path instead of this bullshit Corporation. so I went all my royalties and I want more than 50% because you take that ship without any bugging regard to being all and Instagram it has the analytics and then no I wrote that shit. So it's cool I'm pulling the plug is done pay me everything you owe me and that's quite a lot I want compensation for everything I lost I want conversation for everything you took I want conversation for all the pain and anguish I went through and if it's not the dollar amount that I want I want my way in uranium. look up the value of uranium and then look at how much I weigh in pay me. I'm trying not to be so hostile but it looks like it's coming through anymore so I'm going to just roll with it no. I told you I don't need nothing in life I got everything I need everything else is 1 there's a difference between what you want and what you need. you think you need me you got that shit fucked up you need your selfie Need To Love Yourself respect yourself and understand yourself before you can love anybody else. That what you're doing and putting me through is not love at all in any regard. So serious old resonate within I'm going out to nature for a long time to cleanse this shit out of me and when I come back filed before the end of the month my bank account better be documentation for everything that I wrote so let's put it that way if you want it drive it take towards each other and be in a better way we can go in a better way but it's not going to be this way any longer. Even if I have to go to a hypnotist and erase every moment and memory of you I will do that in a heartbeat. You're not worthy of me. everybody dotes on your very word that does everything kiss your butt and thinks you're the sweetest girl there is but I know who you really are you're a mean controlling bossy woman in the world couldn't take it lose that shit or you lose me permanently the Jack you know is dead never coming back this is Tom from now on
© dejectedpeot_flowing