

Magic Wizards Ep 6:Closer and New Threats (8th & final part)

Today's Read: Filled with curiousnes and frustration. This is Quincy's third times the charm in the principal office. Is Principal Davidson starting to grow concern? Will Mr.Baren get the answers from his son that he wants? If you wanna understand the story more please go back to the previous episodes. Let the story continue.

Ep 6:Closer and New Threats.

After all the chaos that had went on in Mr.Coopers class, Tank, Rege and Quincy were now in Principal Davidson's office. Quincy and Rege were separated with Tank sitting in the middle chair between them. While they were on the ends.

"So who wants to start? Principal Davidson asked in an unwelcomed tone. He was kinda curious and catching on to Quincy being there again. After all, this wasn't his first time being there because of an adult. What could have happened this time, he thought.

Tank looked at Rege with a mad face while Rege tried to ignore him and instead looked towards Quincy's direction. He looked back at Rege then back at the principal.

"Alright well i guess i'll go first then."

"Alright well this better be good because this is your third time here! What is it with you and adults?"

Quincy cleared his throat trying to sound confident. "Well, I don't know sir but, while i was in class minding my own business doing the work we were supposed to do, this sub Tank had decided he wanted to get me in trouble. And he believed the new guy Tanner who said i supposedly threw a paper ball at him. Tank told me to get up so he can write me up for something I didn't do, than he tightly grabbed my hand. And that's when Rege came in." He said looking his way.

Principal Davidson kept quiet for a moment but his eyes started to go towards Rege.

"That's the truth sir. Believe nothing else he says." Rege said jumping in.

Tank jumped in next, trying to out talk Rege's voice.

"Sir...i promise you, you don't know the whole story. But if you did, trust me you would be amazed."

"Really?! Amazed how?" Principal Davidson questioned putting one hand towards his chin leaning on the fist thinking.

"Well i... i cant...tell you really." He answered back then goes into deep thought. He looked to the ground then at Quincy and Rege.

What was Tank about to tell the principal? Rege gave Quincy a curious look.

"You know what...all of you just get out. Except for you." Principal Davidson pointed to Tank. Tank could see the curiousness in the principal's eyes. What was he about to get himself into. Maybe he said too much than he should have.

"I wanna ask you something."

Without saying a word the others left the room. Rascals was a bit concerned. He thought to stay knowing that they wouldn't see him or know he was there but Quincy called for him anyway. Shutting the door the two of them were alone now.

"So, what is it you wanted to ask me?" Tank asked nervously but tried not to show it.

Tension filled the room as the principal leaned in.

"Has Quincy ever been strange to you? Or did anything?"

Tank gets lost in thought for a minute. He wondered why he was being asked this. But he didn't think in his response for too long.

"No, he hasn't. Why?" he questioned back.

Principal Davidson didn't say anything. Instead, he just nodded. " Hmmm, ok then..."

Night was finally here, Quincy was sitting in his room looking at the jacket in his hands from Mr.Baren. He looked around the jacket and was thinking to himself, why did he bother to get me this? He knew his father had hardly ever bought him things unless it was the holidays or his birthday, or for special occasions. But in this case, there wasn't any.

"You like it?" Mr.Baren asked walking in on him staring at it.

"Yes, thank you." He answered not looking up at him. "But why did you buy this? Like there has to be a reason for it."

Mr.Baren stares for a moment, trying to figure out what to say. Should he come clean about why he really got it? Finally after a moment he quickly got up, shutting the door and turned back to his son.

"Okay....no more lies. I didn't believe you last time, when you told me that the note i found was just something you were doing for a protect."

Tension had filled the room now. Mr.Baren reached for his pocket pulling out the new note that he found earlier. Quincy curiously grabbed the note and eyed it. As he did, he saw the location of where his dad worked. And underneath it read: _Wizard A's lair.

"Oh..my..." he started but stopped. The words on the note magically began to change. Now it read, "DON'T TELL OR HE DIES" with magic written in blood. Quincy's eyes widen. He tried to hide his look but barely could. The original words finally came back to normal.

"Are you okay?" Mr.Baren asked walking up and sitting next to him. "Did seeing this make you feel something?"

"Um, no. Not at all." He said quickly.

"Okay, so im gonna ask again. Who's Wizard A?"

He looked away at rascals then back.

"I don’t know. Dad I'm just confused as you are." Rascals watched anxiously as Mr.Baren gave a even harder look.

"Are you sure?"

Taking a deep breath Quincy gave the same response.

"Yes, I don’t know, but I'm sure it's nothing you have to worry about."

Mr.Baren was now frustrated. He knew his son was hiding something. He quickly got up and faced him.

"ok ok fine..." In the event, he walked out and shut the door kinda hard. Quincy laid back on his bed in frustration.

"whys does everything have to be so hard?!"

"It'll be okay." Rascals said trying to make him feel better. "But hey, did you see that note? Where your dad works...is Wizard A's Lair?! I-i think we have to go there. Together. (End of Episode 6.)

#Mystery #Thriller #Supense #Magic #Love #Heartbreak #Teendrama #Greenville #WizardA #WizardB

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