

God is the reason
To those of you, who doubt the existence of God, my advice to you is He is absolutely real. We may face the worst adversities in our lives. Our family and friends may reject you..but God never forsakes His children. God is the reason that we have hope. Jesus is the reason we can face tomorrow no matter how difficult our trials may be. He is the reason we are never alone. He is always with us.

When we feel crushed in spirit ...because of our adversities ..God can turn our mourning into dancing and our singing into joy. In God there is light and there is no darkness. We as God's children are the light of the world..We must let our light shine before others. We have Gods dna running through our blood. God is the reason we have royal blood because Jesus is the king of kings and the Lord of Lords.

We have the same power of God..We must live our lives as a legacy ...the way our heavenly father lived His life. God's the reason we have life and have it more abundantly. Those who believe in Jesus will gain eternal life. .which is life after death.

In my life God's the reason I'm alive. He saved my life when I was going to die due to fat embolism ..According to medical statistics no one survives this ..but I did! So I'm grateful to God and I'm so lucky to be alive because of Jesus Himself.

All blessing and honour belongs to Jesus Always ..