

The death is unexpected
The group of young people, who were all avid pranksters, couldn't resist the temptation of scaring unsuspecting victims. Their videos on YouTube had garnered a huge following, and they were always on the lookout for the next big prank to make a viral hit. But they never imagined that their latest prank would have such tragic consequences.

On a moonless night, they had gathered at a park where they often filmed their pranks. As they were brainstorming ideas, they saw a girl walking with her father towards the park. The group seized the opportunity to make their prank even more thrilling. They quickly came up with a plan to scare the father and daughter as they passed through a nearby patch of bushes.

One of the guys put on a ghost costume and hid in the bushes. As the girl and her father approached, the prankster jumped out and let out a loud wail. The girl screamed in terror, and her father stumbled backwards, clutching his chest. The prankster, realizing something was wrong, took off his costume and rushed to help..

The pranksters were stunned and horrified. They immediately tried to help the man, performing CPR and calling for an ambulance. The girl was crying, pleading with her father to wake up. It was a terrible scene, and the pranksters felt helpless as they watched the drama unfold.

The ambulance arrived, and the man was rushed to the hospital, but it was too late. The man had passed away, leaving his daughter and the pranksters in a state of shock and devastation.

After a few hours, the girl called the pranksters, and they were hopeful that everything would be okay. But as she spoke, her voice trembling with tears, she revealed the awful truth. Her father had passed away, and she was left alone to deal with the tragedy.

The prankster who had dressed up as a ghost was wracked with guilt and remorse. He couldn't believe that his actions had caused such a terrible event. He felt like a murderer, and the weight of his guilt was too much to bear.

He sat on the ground, his eyes filled with tears, as he contemplated the enormity of what had happened. He knew that he had made a terrible mistake, and that his life would never be the same again. The memory of that night would haunt him forever, and he knew that he would never be able to forget the terrible consequences of his actions.


© Anurag Tiwari @spring22