

The Boy Born by Dust

Once upon a time, in a small village surrounded by vast deserts, there was a boy who was born by dust. His name was Khaled, and from the moment he was born, he was different from the other children in the village.

Khaled's parents were nomads who traveled the desert, selling their wares to different villages. One day, while they were on the road, Khaled's mother went into labor. There was no hospital nearby, and the only thing they could do was to deliver the baby themselves. As fate would have it, the wind picked up at that moment, and a gust of dust swept over them.

When the dust settled, Khaled was lying in his mother's arms, covered in a fine layer of dust. At first, they thought it was just a coincidence, but as Khaled grew up, they realized that there was something special about him. He had an uncanny ability to sense the wind's direction, and he could see things in the dust that no one else could.

The other children in the village didn't know what to make of Khaled. They teased him relentlessly, calling him "dusty" and "filthy." But Khaled didn't let their taunts get to him. He knew that he was different, but he didn't see it as a weakness. Instead, he saw it as a gift, and he was determined to make the most of it.

As Khaled grew older, his abilities only grew stronger. He could predict sandstorms before they hit, and he could navigate the desert with ease, even in the darkest of nights. His parents were proud of him, but they knew that his talents would take him far away from their simple way of life.

One day, a group of travelers came through the village, looking for a guide to take them through the desert. Khaled saw this as his chance to show the world what he was capable of. He offered to lead the travelers, and they agreed.

For days, Khaled led them through the treacherous desert, using his abilities to keep them safe. When they reached their destination, the travelers were amazed by Khaled's skills. They offered to take him with them, to see the world beyond the desert.

Khaled knew that this was his chance to explore the world and to learn more about his abilities. He said goodbye to his parents and set out with the travelers, eager to see what lay ahead.

And so, Khaled traveled the world, using his talents to help people wherever he went. He became known as the boy born by dust, a legend among travelers and explorers. But to Khaled, he was just a boy with a unique gift, doing what he could to make the world a better place.

© AlmaDada