

.2 soon as me and e made our way outside we saw nitty. Aye bra we gotta shoot that round said I. Franchie" for what asked nitty" cause you stold e money.I'll people can bearly feed us at night.you take bra field trip money."
nitty" started laughing why can't he fight me?he know I got his bread.said "nitty" cause that my lil bra.I swong a punch at nitty I missed.Franchie" you try to steal me bra. Fuck that let's go nitty"roar.they we were throwing blow for blow.I hit him he hit me.we fought long and hard.the school teachers came running out the building. Breaking up the fight'mr.green."aka"franchie.Mr.Williams"aka"nitty.you to are in big trouble.Tired out of breath.He hit me first I lied.he's lying said nitty" I don't care.yelled ms.water's.our 5th grade teacher.both of you to the principal office.Now she said this ain't over.Nitty said to franchie.I get off on you said franchie.Yea round two when we get back in the hood said nitty to franchie.Me e and nitty was from.The same hood called the money Macon.we were all cool.me and e was tight tho.E slept to my house I slept to his house.when my mom cooks.I always make sure he had something to eat if he needed it.E do the same for me.so it angered me to know.E field trip money got took.we were going to the Columbia zoo Friday. we talked about this trip for so long.we couldn't wait now his field trip money. Was stolen.once we reached the principal office ms.water's told the principal.what she saw me.On top of nitty" hitting him.I yelled she's lying.quite said our principal ms.goodie.Your in very big trouble Mr.green. ms.goodie the principal.I stood there quite.as she told me.my punishment."ms.goodie"Mr.green I'm suspending you for 3days.you can't not go to the field trip.Friday said "ms.goodie".but ms.goodie that's not fair said "franchie" you don't know what happened.well what happened Mr.green asked ms.goodie?nothing I said I couldn't tell I have to stick.to the code never tell.said "franchie" to ms.goodie.I hope the code you talking bout Mr.green is worth.your suspension and.the lost of your field trip said ms.goodie.I said nothing just stood there.2