


I was walking alone on the way at night and saw a boy in the glittering silver moonlight.At such a time I wanted to be someone for walking partner So I called him from behind in a polite manner.Hearing my call, he stood and started walking with me.He looked like alling , his eyes were pale.He seemed to be wandering all day looking for someone.I asked him his destination.He said it was a little far.

After walking for about half an hour,he suddenly stood up and pointed in the direction of a bush. I saw a light on the edge of a bush. I was little surprised.I went ahead out of curiosity.Then I saw a car overturned and it's front lights were on. It looks like an accident.I ran to help if anyone was there.

What I saw inside the car made my blood cold, my whole body trembling.The boy who came with me was lying in a bloody state. Surely dead.I immediately looked back ... but no one was there.Suddenly the phone of the boy inside the car rang.I picked up the phone .... a woman shouted loudly and said ----"where are you? if you don't bring the medicine within an hour, your mother will not be saved"..

Then I noticed some packets of medicine next to him with the prescription of the hospital .. I saw in Google Map that the hospital was less than 1km .After walking a while I saw the hospital and delivered the medicine to the boy's mother.

A son kept his word .Even after his death he did his RESPONSIBILITY through me.. My eyes filled with tears.😰😰😰

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