

Why Women Guard Their Independence
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about why so many women today, especially those of us navigating the complexities of modern life, are so wary of depending on a man. It's like we're always on high alert, and honestly, who wants to live like that forever? Constant vigilance is exhausting.

Financial independence and self-reliance are crucial, and there’s no denying the importance of working on ourselves and improving. Being able to stand on our own feet gives us a sense of security and accomplishment. But wouldn’t it be nice to find a partner with whom we could occasionally switch off our overactive brains and just relax?

Yet, there's this underlying fear. We’re scared that if we hand over the metaphorical keys to our independence, the person we trust might end up using them to lock us up. Many of us have been burned before—manipulated in the name of love, convinced to make sacrifices with the promise of affection. We've heard, "If you love me, you can at least do this much," more times than we can count. And let's not forget the family pressure, always harping on about maintaining respect and tradition.

The manipulation that comes with love is a whole different beast. It’s a subtle game that leaves us wary. So, when we finally carve out our own freedom, it's terrifying to think about giving someone else the power to take it away. Trusting someone with the keys to our hard-earned independence feels like a huge risk.

It's not that we don't want to love or be loved. It's just that we've been through enough to know that independence is precious. And handing over control, even just a little, can feel like a gamble we’re not always willing to take.

Just a thought... but one that resonates deeply with many of us trying to balance love and freedom in today’s world.

© Sarah✨️