

Make Believe: Intro
To: Whoever finds this book

Dear Reader,

Let this be told that I urge you not to read ahead for this book is not a happy story. This is but a monologue, a biography of a man-- mine, who has now set his heart upon shedding the deceiving gems endorned over my feathers.

Here I open up the story that has weighed me, that has been eating up my insides for longer than I should have lived.

People think I am an angel. They call me a godsent. A doctor who has way to ease their hearts.

But they don't know me. They don't know the kind of person I am, nor do they know my past.

I've never been good for the sake of being kind-- but always as a retribution. It was the only way I could think of to wipe away the sin that stained my hands in blood.

The only way this charred guilt would stop choking me inside.

I am not a good guy. I was merely using you just as I used her.

This is why I am writing this down. Letting the misconception show.

I am baring out my soul in front of you and letting the words that I had held in for so long, spill.

If I die, and you read this then please hate me to your heart's content. I was never the man you thought I was, and never the one she thought me to be...

No. That's not it...

I don't know. I don't know anymore. I can't see the reasons.

Maybe I'm just writing this to be free.

Or maybe... I don't want her to be forgotten.

I don't know, but it's too late now. It's too late to turn back.

For all it matters, I'm sorry.

"And to catch the fawn, the predator wears the cloak of glitter. It sheds it only when the prey is at it's weakest-- unaware and trusting-- to catch its eyes build up with a storm just before it dims."

Sinningly Yours Abi,


A/N: This is NOT my heart aching biography.

It's an opening of a story I've been hoping to write. I don't know how it'll turn out but

I've just picked up my laptop and I've started typing in hopes that it may turn out to be meaningful in more ways than one 💜

I wish you all a good read and really, guys, all constructive criticism and help will always be appreciated.

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