

The observer
When I went back I continued my study on emotions. I found another person like me who didn't understand emotions and we studied together. Little by little emotions became more complicated. A girl came up to us and decided to help us feel emotions. She was so kind but I felt nothing for her. I couldn't call her my friend just someone I'm acquainted with. After studying emotions for 7 years I still didn't understand anything. Emotions where something so complicated you couldn't learn it. Little by little the girl started to give up on us and she left us. The boy who studied emotions also gave up. I wanted to be normal so I kept trying to comprehend emotions but it become more and more difficult. One day I met a woman who made me feel something. I didn't know what the emotion was but I was happy I was feeling something. We started going out and I learned the emotion I was feeling was love. I could finally feel something. I was so happy that I couldn't even believe it. We ended up getting married and having 2 kids. One of are kids where emotionless like I was and I tried to help him. He found love and everything was just perfect. I just hope everyone who is emotionless like I was has the same luck I did with finding love.

© Samantha_Ayala