

Selene, My Moon
When I'm alone, I always think of you. How you shimmer reminds me that life is worth living for.

To lose the sun will only result to the destruction of the world.

It's 3 AM and I still can't sleep. Adjusting the light, turning the fan off, whatever I do, I just can't slumber. Even staying up with phone on hand, I cannot close my eyes to see the wonderland.

I shouldn't have brought you to the beach. Only then you wouldn't have been stung by a jellyfish. Who could've thought a jellyfish as small as a thumb tack can be this deadly. Now, I can't help but blame myself for your passing.

Please forgive me.

I scroll through my news feed hoping to find something interesting if I'm gonna stay awake all night again. The pets and memes do no good at this time. My cat is judging me for my big black eye bags.

It's already 5 AM. I might as well get some breakfast.

I take the food I find bitter as my parents worry about my health. They console me many times and reassure me that I'm not to blame of my sister's death.

But it is my fault. I wanted her to have the best time of her life before I go to university, yet I brought her to her own doom. She couldn't even tell her last words to us.

It's night once again and I still can't sleep. Even all the activities at school couldn't weaken me or the intake of much food weigh me. Fortunately, I fell asleep a few hours later.

An offical phone alert wakes me up at three in the morning. I impatiently grab my phone and check the message.

It says, "Do not look at the moon."

I have hundreds of these notifications just as I have hundreds of messages from different phone numbers.

Some numbers were from my parents amd relatives. Most were just random. I scroll through the main message app and read my mom's first.

"Look at the moon, dear. It's marvelous."

Mom never stays up this later.

"The moon is beautiful."

Dad has no interest in the night sky. Whenever I talked about it, he'd get bored and changed the subject.

All the messages were the same, an indirect demand to look at the moon.

I reach the end the messages and shiver in fear. The last phone number was of my little sister.

"Brother, why won't you look at the moon? Don't you miss me?"

I have my sister's phone with me all along. I never messaged myself or opened it in the first place.

I tightly tuck myself back on bed and close my eyes. This situation is creeping me out and I do not want to partake with any of this crap.

I take a peek at my window. The moonlight was more glamorous and splendid than it usually is. And what I've witnessed might probably just a nightmare.

I check my phone again. It is 3 AM. There was no official phone alert not were there hundreds of messages.

I sit up and contemplate my decisions before standing and resting at the window. I look outside at the road and sigh deeply as I look up at the moon.

It is indeed marvelous.

As shiny as a child's hopeful eyes, it makes me smile.

There's nothing wrong. It's just the moon that I ever so love.

The glistening moon and stars lit up the sky as hundreds, or even thousands, of fireflies lit up the ground. The trees sway as the wind whispers, bringing a cold but soft shiver.

There, I remember how my sister and I used to hang out.

I would push her gently on the swing in our backyard. I'd make a pillow fort inside the tent and camp outside during Halloween. We'd help mom bake cookies and greet dad a welcoming afternoon, especially when he's at a hard day of work. He'd smile and carry my sister to the sky like a rocket taking off and dance with my mom as we cringe at what we saw.

So many good times that cover the bad. Like when I pushed her down the small stairs out of impatience, I'd get hit by the belt. Then, sister comes to me crying and apologizing even though I was at fault. Or when my aunt came once and sister cussed at her. She learnt it from me and I was beaten to the bone. Still, she came and hug me, and apologize no matter how many times I assure her.

In the end of it all, we'd console and stand by each other.

She claimed me as her sun, because without me, she wouldn't have learned how to shine.

Her eyes were always hopeful and I promised to maintain that. I want to give her everything I have.

As I stare at the beautiful moon, the stars slowly fade as the fireflies too.

The memory at the beach flashes before me and clenches my heart tight, slowly stopping my breathing.

I saw the box jellyfish and was astounded by it. I told her and she was so happy about it too. We followed the little fellow at a distance all day long until it arrived with its comrade.

A wave came and hit both of us, along with those little vampires. We laughed it off as I made sure she doesn't drown.

We got back on the shore and saw our parents crying and asking for help.

I looked at my sister... crying...

The lifeguard came a little too late and then life took its toll.

The morning since I looked at the moon, the sunlight doesn't hurt my open eyes. But it did kill the hope and faith my sister once had.

Her mornings are all the same, blaming herself for my death and not being able to sleep at night.

She's weakening and I hate to see it.

I want her to enjoy her teenage years without having to carry a regret so heavy.

My parents are constantly bringing food to my home shrine and comforting my sister that I'm enjoying the food. She won't believe them and keeps saying that the food is quite bitter.

She holds my phone and scrolls through my messages. Using hers, she sent a message to my number, "Brother, why won't you look at the moon? Don't you miss me?"

I miss you everyday.

If only I didn't bring you to the beach, we could've avoided the possibility of a jellyfish sting. But this stubborn curiosity lead me to endanger you and meet my demise.

I had to push you away from the waters when the wave hits. Your screaming for help when I realized the jellyfish had stung me all over my body, it weighs me down even here in the afterlife.

This is all my fault. My death is killing my sister.

I don't want her to follow yet.

If only there was some sort of miracle.

Sister, don't look at the moon yet. Please.

Sister, the moon is beautiful, isn't it?

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