

Planet X Chapter Six
After about a week in the hospital the doctor decided Eric was well enough to go home.
"Mr. Eastman..." Said the doctor, taking him aside.
"He's going to go through some psychological issues with this situation. He might blame himself for the baby's death. He may not want to eat, he'll be depressed. And he may have nightmares of the incident. "
"What should I do?"
"Just be there for him. He's really going to need you right now."
"I'll be more than there for him doc. Thanks."
Eric was wheeled out and helped into Emily's car.
"Thank you Doc. For everything." The doctor smiled and nodded.
"You take care now Eric."
"Thanks doc." Said Eric, before Emily shut the door.
When they got home,Scott and Emily, helped Eric into the house.
"You feelin okay?" Eric nodded.
"Just a little tired." Scott helped him upstairs and into bed.
"You get some rest. I'll come back to check on you later. If you need anything call for me okay?" Eric nodded.
Scott could see he was exhausted. He didn't get much sleep in the hospital and, as the doctor predicted, he blamed himself. But Eric closed his eyes and fell asleep.
Instead of leaving the room Scott watched him sleep with a small loving smile. He couldn't help but smile as he watched his mate sleep. The poor guy's been through so much. He thought.
A few hours later Eric woke to see Scott at the bedside stroking his hair. Eric smiled.
"Hey you. How ya feelin?" Eric's smile grew wider.
"Better." He replied.
"That's good. Ya hungry?" Eric shook his head.
"Ya have to eat something."
"I'm not hungry."
"Eric please try to eat something. Even if its something small." Eric said nothing. He just shook his head and looked down.
"Eric please. Tell ya what. I'll make you some toast okay?" A tear came down Eric's cheek. He then began to cry. When Scott returned he saw Eric crying and he sat down the tray on the dresser then sat on the bed. He corressted Eric's face wipeing the tears from his eyes.
"Its alright. Please don't cry."
"Its all my fault..." Eric said crying.
"Sh. No it's not your fault."
"If I hadn't of gone to that club..."
"Look at me Eric. It's not your fault."
"Do you forgive me?"
"There's nothing to forgive. I love you Eric. And I always will. And don't you blame yourself for what happened. None of this was your fault." Scott said holding him close.
Emily then walked into the room.
"I'll come back later."
"No please stay." Said Eric wipeing away the tears from his face.
"Are you sure? I don't want to interrupt."
"You're not interrupting. It's okay. I need your company right now." Emily's tears fell hard as she walked to the bed. She knelt down and put her head on Eric's lap.
"I'm so sorry Eric!" He smiled slightly and reached down and stroked her head.
"Its alright Emily. It's not your fault. I know you wouldn't do anything to hurt me on purpose. It's okay. Everything is going to be alright."
© Elizabeth Harris