

Relation Between A Mother And A Daughter (beautiful words of life)

I never wanted to hurt anyone intentionally. People say I am rude, I am baddie, I am too obsessed with thing moreover, betrayal is my common phenomenon of life. People guess I don’t know anything about them. Actually I can read them in my own style. I never knew what ere English songs, except the school hymns or the popular bands neither sings nor actor and actresses. All of a sudden in class 4, I stepped to this new world. I first found it amazing but now it’s quiet common. Then, I grew up. I grew up into a dazzle lady with the kindest heart and the hardest shell as people never expected me to be. I struggled hard through the black tunnels of my life and found a thousand struggle and killed wall my wants and stayed blessed with whatever I have with my Mum. They think there’s nothing to know about me. But truly I find there was really nothing as all my answer would end up to love. Love is not what we grown ups define. Love is what we have in our heart for someone that can be our parents, grandparents, family member or any outsider and in my case my Mom. My life partner is all the books I read till date and my mom, who sacrificed all her needs only for the sack of mine. One day doctors find out I had an heart disease. It was difficult for me to survive. I still had any strength to survive it for my mom when suddenly one day at the age of 66, I died for a heart attack. All of my close peoples cried except my mother who did last rites happily who knew I cannot control her tears. I understood she broke down from inside but for the sake of mine she kept quiet. As per the Hindus she cooked the most delicious food of mine in my funeral. She understood I was standing right at her back to take her to my place now, so that’s she and I could live happily thereafter like we lived in these planet of life. But we never ended cause the spirits never die the only thing that happens during the burning rites is that the sports is freed from the shell. Everybody ran into the kitchen when they saw my mom spiritlessly on the floor. We went to that unknown place- Paradise. But we never lamented cause only our shell died not us.
–Nandita Dasgupta
Reg.no.- AJ/083
St. Augustine’s Day School Shyamnagar

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