


That was first week of July in 2006. At 6 am, my alarm clock started ringing. I switched it off with still closed eyes. I went to the balcony to feel the breeze on my cheeks…..cool and fresh. I usually like to breath in the cool and fresh air in the morning from my balcony. After a few minutes in freshness, I went to have a bath and get ready for the school. I left for school at 7:30 am.
I reached school by 7:45 am and entered my classroom, still some students had to come. But usually I am on time. I went straight up to my bench.

“Hi, what’s up?”

That’s my friend Nancy. We have been friends for three years now.

“Hi! All good. We didn’t have any homework for Monika ma’am. Right?” I asked.

Nancy was about to reply when she was interrupted by the entry of Ms. Monika

“Good morning ma’am”, everyone said together.

“Good morning, today we have a special assembly to felicitate the toppers of board exam. Make a queue and move towards Shri Ram hall.”

We made the queue happily not because we liked the special assemblies but because the special assemblies meant no studies for about an hour or two.

We were all supposed to sit in the hall. As we all settled ourselves, our in-charge ma’am took the parole and the felicitation began. In the mid of the assembly, back door was opened by someone, since entry from main door is not allowed once the program is live.

I turned back and saw three tall boys entering the hall, though I could not see them clearly.

“Late comers”, I said to myself. Principal asked them to come in the front. They went by my side. She said something to them which we could not hear as she had switched off the microphone. They came back. I could now see their face clearly and I said to myself regarding one of them, “Such a good personality but no sense of wearing the uniform.”

His shirt was untucked and he had no tie. Had it not been a school uniform, he would have looked great in white shirt, white trouser and black shoes. But since it was a uniform, he ought to wear it like a uniform.

The assembly got over in the usual expected time of 1.5 hours.

We came back to our respective classes.

“I have a good news. Next period is free since the teacher is on leave. So we can do our mathematics’ homework”, said Priya.

Priya is my friend, one of the few friends that I have in the school. I find it hard to make friends. I don’t know exactly why it is so. Is it due to the fact that I speak less or because of the reason that I find it hard to trust someone easily. I don’t really know.

As of now, I have three friends Nancy, Priya and Shweta. I met them all in std. VI when I came to this school in Delhi in 2003. Since then we have been together and somehow with time, I have found great friendship with them. I can be myself when I am with them.

Though I share a different bond of understanding with Nancy, all the three mean a lot to me when it comes to friendship.

Well I was telling you about the class. Things went by very ordinarily in school till it was time for annual function in our school. In our school, Lovely Public Senior Secondary School, we had this very unique concept of having class wise annual function. I don’t know about primary class, since I did not had my primary education in this school. Annual function would every year be in a fixed pattern, VI-VII together, IX and XI together; and X and XII together.
As I was in IX, our class was supposed to have the function with class XI, including all the sections of both the classes.
© Queen of Writes