

The last self-help article you will ever need
There are so many blog posts on how to fix your life now. Steve Jobs did this one thing and Warren Buffet has this way of doing this and he never does that and then Someone or Other had this secret winning formula…
Seriously? You are going to do this one thing, and then what? What exactly is this going to help you achieve? Be like them? In what way? All the worst ways?

So here is one thing you really need to take on board. Stop taking on board everything. You are not Steve Jobs… and you should thank your lucky stars that you are not, and if you don't believe me, read the book written by his daughter. He just sounds like a terrible person. And I'm not even talking about the conditions in the factories in China where his visionary products were manufactured.

Most of us are not any of these people. We are not Jeff Bezos or Mark Zuckerberg and most of us will not be this successful in monetary terms. But what those articles fail to mention is that these investment and technological icons can be utter failures as human beings. What kind of a person you have to be to let other people slave away in their factories, use child labour and then shirk the responsibility? Or let their digital platform be a tool in genocide and turn deaf ears to those who warn about it? They are just crap people.
These articles are telling us to take advice from them, be like them, emulate them on some smaller scale.

Seriously? Sure, you can learn from everyone, sure, there are people who have been successful in certain endeavours, like say Adolf Hitler in gaining hold of power and tackling unemployment…

We need to know these articles are violence. Pure violence of those with power inflicting it on those without. Yeah, those headlines are catchy. Yeah, they make you want to click and waste a few minutes of your time and leave you feeling crap about yourself, that you are thirty, or thirty five or forty five and you don't have your own multi-billion dollar corporation yet. The subtext of all that crap is that if you don't, than it is your own fault. But you can emulate them now, with the help of this or other self-styled self help guru…

And in the end those articles can just boil down to one liners: work hard, wake up early, learn to prioritise, etc… You can read Covey's classic "7 habits of highly effective people" instead and be better off. The book won't leave you feeling like crap about yourself. And if a book is too much, read the highlights. It's okay. Take it easy. You can go deeper later.

I'm thinking of some unhelpful self help click-bait headlines:

ISIS did this one thing to win friends
(killed all their enemies)

Please post your own here :D

Oh, and by the way, if this really is the last self-help article you will ever need, then I just wrote myself out of a sequel!