

legendary love 💜
Chamin: My lady which dress do you want to wear?
Chen Xiang: Don't call me 'my lady'. I am not the one you're thinking. Call me Chen Ching or miss Chen Ching.
Chamin: ok my lady...er....miss Chen!
Chen Xiang: Good! So give me a nice dress to wear. Not those tacky gowns.
Chamin: Ok.
Chen Xiang: Chamin can you tell me what I have to do when I go to the dinner tonight??
Chamin: First you have to bow to your father and then your stepmother in an elegant way. Like this see.
Chen Xiang: Hmm.. understood. Then you will go to your seat and eat quietly with good manners. Make sure to not say anything while you're eating.If the king asks, then you'll answer.
Chen Xiang: Hmm... looks like there is a lot of rules.
Chamin: And since you both have same voice and looks they won't recognise anything. I just hope your stepmother doesn't pull out any problems.

( At the king's royal castle)
King 👑 jugorun: How are u Xian??
Chen Xiang: Fine...er..I mean I am fine dear father.
Miss Gurun( Xian Ching's stepmother): Well, well our Xian is getting older and it's time for her marriage...so my lord have you looked for anyone??
King jugorun: Yes Gurun. The king of Beixuan's 2nd son is willing to marry my daughter.They will come and see Xian tomorrow.
Chen Xiang: Tomorrow??(She screamed) umm...I mean father isn't it too early..😅.
King jugorun: We already made the decision so no more fuss about it.
Chen Xiang Ching went back to her mansion looking gloomy and sad.

Will Chen Xiang Ching really be married to the prince of Beixuan??
Know the rest in episode 8

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