

She was a shy, silent girl with a pretty smile and a cheerful laugh. She never really had a best friend or you can say she never could make one though she wanted one. So whatever it was she never opened up or showed to anyone. Though many considered her their bestie only because she couldn't say no to anyone who asked her for help even though they were ungrateful and then they left her alone.

But she was happy the way she was -alone. She now started liking this loneliness because then she can be herself- her true self. She need not pretend that yes! she was an extraordinary person who knows everything latest in the world of fashion, hollywood, web series..

She had her own world, her favourites, her choices, but never showed about these because people will then think her old fashioned and may be because of this she hated crowds, parties and treats.

Nevertheless she was happy, or more suitably, satisfied with her choices and did not want to change herself for anyone.
This was a very important lesson of life she learnt. Be the way you are if that makes you feel good. There is no need to change yourself for the sake of being cool and making lots of cool friends if you are not comfortable with that..