

The two best friends
chapter 1
There once a girl named Anna,she has a sister whose name is Chidera.
One day,Anna went to a school called kingdom of god nursery and primary school and she made a new friend whose name is munachi.she was the only friend of Anna and they like bringing the same snack to school.after school period,when they were about to leave the school,they heard someone shouting.Anna said to munachi,who is shouting, then munachi said I don't know maybe we should check who the person is.when they were searching,they saw a boy,what is your name munachi said,my name is obi the boy said.I heard someone shouting ,was it you Anna said,yes it was me obi said.what did you want us to do for you?said Anna.OK please my food poured and I need a new one the boy said,anna said I have just 100 naira and it is for my transport,because of your kindness,I will give it to you.Thank you Anna said obi,then obi hugged Anna,when munachi wanted to join them Anna pushed her back,Anna and obi became friends.
One day,they were all going for shopping and they enjoyed it.
Two days later,they were having a test and the teacher whose name is Mrs.Elsa told them to read their books,obi didn't listen.
The following day,they wrote the exam.Mrs.Elsa brought out the scores and she said Anna scored 40,munachi scored 40,obi scored 20.Anna and munachi fought because when munachi wanted to help obi Anna gave her sign that she will report.Till then they were not friends.
On Saturday morning, Anna was worried about her loosing her friends then she said to herself I will write a letter to her but let mewash my clothes first.Then she finished washing her cloth and wrote the letter.
Dear Munachi,
You know that you are the best friend I have.I'm sorry for the fight that happened between us please forgive me,it won't happen again.
from Anna.
When she was about to keep it Chidera who is Anna sister came and said, what did you want to keep, Anna said I fought with munachi so I want to go and apologize."OK"said Chidera.In the afternoon munachi came to Anna House knocking, knock! knock! knock! munachi said, Anna said "who is that","it is me" munachi said,OK munachi Anna said,then she opened the gate and she hugged her and she said I was about coming to your House to give you this letter, munachi said I was about to do the same. Then they both smiled.That was how Anna and munachi became friends.