

Gangster Brother Season 1 Episode 2
"And what about the rest". Harsh asked.
"Are you out of your mind". Harsh stated.
Not at all.
"Ok. There might be some solution out of this".
There's only one way out.
"And what's that supposed to be"
You have to stay with your sister as of now.
Meanwhile, we'll think on this matter later.
So let's go.
"Go where ?"
Your sister's house.while saying, lawyer laughed
"Anyways, I know what I have to do".
Don't you ever dare to harm her. You're not released. You are on a bail. Remember that.

"Ok I got that.so can we move now".

Meanwhile Harsh and lawyer moved to their car to head towards the house.
They reached the house.
What they saw was shocking.
"What the hell has happened here"
I don't know.
Lets search the rooms said lawyer.
After sometime.
Nobody is in the house said the lawyer.

"But I got this diary on a dinning table with one note inside"said Harsh.
Let me see said the lawyer.
Wow said the lawyer.
" What happened"said Harsh.
Look at the heading of the diary said the lawyer.
"What's the heading".
I love my brother said the lawyer.