

Nostalgia “a spiritual experience”

This morning my son Kristian
Tells me dad " come I got to tell you something,
While he was holding his hot chocolate in his hands
He said " dad guess what, today's make twenty years since ma died

And I was happy that he reminded me
Because I would have never known
I was never good at remembering important dates
And I completely forgot the anniversary of grandmothers passing

My son Kristian remembers everyone on the family birthdays, anniversaries, and special occasions
He is like a walking encyclopedia of knowledge and whenever we want to know something we would just ask him

So, every morning when he gets up and having his hot chocolate
before he drinks it " he would call me and said " dad guess what today is brad (Sayeed) birthday
Or he would say " today is pappi birthday and Surayya a birthday together

And he would say “dad who would think pappi and Surayya birthdays is on the same day eh dad
And he would remember every important date that is pertained to the family
And he would tell us every morning

So, this morning he told me that it was the date and anniversary of our grandmother passing
And he was just a baby when she died in 1997
And I remember when we arrived in Trinidad,

How he was crying and saying, dad
Please let’s go home. Trinidad was so strange to him
And the next-door neighbor had a white car under his house
And in the night, it looks like my tan Monti Carlo, so Kris was pointing and saying dad look your car please let’s go home

Trinidad was hot and we arrived in Ste Madeleine in the night, and there was a lot of people there for the wake
So, Kris was so very uncomfortable
With the heat and the strange crowd

And he was crying a lot so we went down to Williamsville that same night
By his mother’s childhood home
And he took a nice cold bath under the standpipe outside and he was just enjoying that bathe
He started laughing and having fun

It was the first time that he was bathing outside under a standpipe, with his mother throwing water on his head and he was just laughing and having fun
Then we powder him up with Johnson's baby powder
And put on just a jockey and a vest for him, and he was cool now and just having fun now

Then I left him there with his mother
And went back to the wake at our home in Ste Madeleine
And started helping out making coffee and crackers and sandwiches and passing it around to every table while they play cards "all fours"

I regret not talking to my grandmother
About her childhood days and her family history
I was too busy playing and liming and just never...