

The mermaid is a creature found in folk lores and tales , like one would look down a hill and gaze at nothing really.
in actual fact , the mermaid is a mystical creature that really exists .
"she" is the gender it chose , because it's target is to attract all human species , then again I say to my self "the power of 'she'"
'she' as it would prefer to be called reveals it self to you only of it has something it wants from you.
sometimes it sees the beauty in every soul , and she is a master at theft .
the pirates of the carrebeans don't stand a chance .
she claims to give a gift , but always the gift , will ensnare her victims .
many cartoonist paint her to be a fairy with a tale ...
but she is the definition of a fierce firery tailed demon.
only those who know her will speak .
she only gives to take .
However all creatures of God are powerful , so is she and so are we.
We hence will boast in the power of God , who though far away , is ever so near .
Nearer than we think , and he gives the best and glorious gifts .
God of Israel and God of the down throden.
SIRENE as she would be foundly called in French , Bows before those who have God in them .
As would all fallen beings .

© ikeora chuka