

When 25 years friends become strangers
I miss my friend who would do everything to stop me from shedding tears because you couldn't stand seeing me with a painful tear in my eyes only been my best friend who couldn't see me in pain or tears, but now I don't even cross your mind until something makes you think of me. I want my best friend to come back to me and not the one I see before me. I got clean because I saw the pain in your eyes it caused, but yet you can't see the tears and hurt that you generated in not only my eyes but my heart and forever in my mind.
I miss you, the one this wet behind-the-ear Country Gal ran into and knocked on my ass, and instead of telling me that I needed to pay attention, you gave me your hand to help me get on my feet so that I could get out of the middle of the street, bet you thought I forgot that fateful day when we looked into each other's eyes and felt something like we had never felt before and may never feel again.
I Miss My Friend Who Would Everything For Me Not To Shed A tear because you hadn't only be my best friend that couldn't see me in pain or in tears but now I don't even cross your mind until something makes you think of me. I want my best friend to come back to me and not the one I see before me. I got clean because I saw the pain in your eyes it caused, but yet you can't see the tears and hurt that you cause in not ont only my eyes, my heart and forever in my mind.
© JenWikket