

Fated Love Chapter One
I stared at the letters tattooed into my right forearm. I had no memory how I had got it or why I was in a hospital gown or why I was floating at the edge of a muddy, river bank. I had absolutely no memory of who I was. I was lost in my thought when a beautiful middle aged woman came into the room and tapped me on my shoulder "Oh my Goddess, you are awake. I will go and get the doctor". I was still shocked by her beauty that i could not even dare to ask who she was till she left the room and came in with a young lady who is known to be the doc in charge of me. Then finally i came out of my thoughts and opened up and ask who the beauty in front of me was "Who are you" the woman was teary but tried not to let them drop but i guess she couldn't help it and just said "oh, my poor baby. you can't even recognize your own mother". That was when i figured it out that the beauty in front of me was actually my mother. But, i just can't recall she being my mom but i was still glad that the woman who claimed to be my mom was a beauty goddess. The doc ran some test on me and told my mom that i can leave now. I didn't say a word,i just kept looking at the new me. I got discharged and we went home. When we got home, alittle but beautiful girl ran towards me and hug me so dearly and said "Mom, how have you been". I was so shocked that all i could do was push her away so badly and said " Who are you and why are you calling me mom". Then i turn to everyone and said "What is going on. You said you are my mom right?then how come i have my own daughter. Are you guys hiding something from me". My eyes became teary then the beauty who claimed to be my mom came forward and spoke up "Sweetheart,we are not hiding anything from you.You met up with an accident and lost you memories and that is why you couldn't even recognize your precious daughter Mirable". I couldn't believe my ears " You mean i was in an accident and this little girl here is my daughter". All my mom could do was nod her head. I then turned to the little girl who was crying and moved close to her and touch her face. Then i ask the girl "Am i truly your mom" all the girl could do was cry and ask "Mom,what's wrong with you. why can't you recognize me. Grandma said you were sleeping and would wake up any time soon and now that you did ,you are acting strange". She was crying so painfully that i didn't know when i hugged her and started crying. We had a long day and then i was taken to my room. I sat on the bed thinking about what happened. I was distracted by a girl who claimed to be a maid in the house. "Sorry ma'am, i just want to inform you that dinner is ready and you are ask to come down stairs" all i could do was nod my head. The maid left and i went to take a shower. We ate dinner and i went to bed. Before going to bed the little girl who claimed to be my daughter came in with a pillow "Hi mom. pls can i sleep here tonight. I've missed you alot". Immediately she said that i felt like a mother and pulled her to me and we slept. The next morning she was still in bed and was sleeping peacefully ,so i could not wake her. I went downstairs to see what was going on but what i met was another story for the day.

Like and comment next so i can release the next episode. Can't love you guys less.