

Unforgettable Experience But A Lesson Learned
Tell us about an unforgettable experience that left you sadder but wiser.

Most unforgettable experience that left me sadder but wiser. Unforgettable experience that turned me into a little detachment. Unforgettable experience I should not let it repeat to myself, this were when I give trust to people and sincere connection, share my empathy to them with understand. Do you know what they did? They created such a fabricated stories about me- backtabbing and spread it to everyone through manipulation. Telling that I'm bad and the reasons of everything they feel. After I'd welcome them to my life these was all the they did to me. They thought I was the one who did mistakes all the time but they are already the problem as I observed their behaviors and actions. I easily give them freely what they want but still ended that I was so bad? So creepy, right? All I can say everytime I utter words and everytime I show my sincere connections they misunderstood it. Nothing I can do now about that. They are the problem not me.
These experiences taught me not to give to much trust and attachment to everyone. Taught me to know them first deeply through their intentions, words and actions. Taught me not too much showing care to people doesn't know how to appreciate and deserve. I have realized we are not the same. My personality to them is so much different. My perception level is afar from theirs. I don't need somebody like them in my life. Hoping, I couldn't meet somebody like them. All I want is harmony, compassion, empathy and understanding that turns into good connection.

© ScarletHeart995