

Childhood memories - Ice cream
It was a burning day. I could rember it was the month of March, 30th in the year of 2022. I was watching my mobile and playing video games. It was about 12:30 pm.Suddenly my brother asked me that would I like to have an icecream or not I saw him in such a way that i spelled out yes. Then in a second after my answer, he rushes out. At first i was amazed to hear about ice cream in such a burning day. But then i thought why brother is gonna know that or ask in such a hurry!. I feel little weird. After few minutes, when it was nearly 1:10 pm
brother appears with two cup ice-creams. I thanked him and also asked about that what and how the Ice cream matter came in his mind ?. He then explained me about what happened few minutes ago. He said that at the edge of our town he saw an ice-cream seller.So he thought that as it was quite a hot day, and was perfect for having an ice-cream. So he rushes to me and when he got the answer that i was also agree, he ran out in way that he forgot to take the money from granny. He fade off more quickly than ever just for an ice-cream. But unfortunately he missed the ice-cream seller cause the seller had already reached the next town and he will only refuse as he came before. However his luck was good that one of our close neighbour was passing by. He asked my brother that for what he was waiting there. My brother told him about the ice cream. He was so kind that he gaved him ₹30 for buying ice-creams and said that he can return it after. So as soon as he got the money, he ran more, more faster than before and reached the shopekeeper. He purchesed Cup ice-cream instead of choco bars cause cup ice-creams would rather stay than choco bars which would melt before he reaches me. After he finished talking about it, I not only thanked him but also facillated him for persisting that he should brought the ice cream for him and me.

_Barnita karmakar_