

💗🩷❤️💗PART 6🩷❤️💗🩷

Soon you started visiting me randomly.
And I got used to your random visits. Sometimes in the middle of the night.
You would knock on the window, all wet from the July rain. That night you were all smiles. I didn't know you had a surprise for me. You proposed to me, to marry you. I was overjoyed. I hugged you tight while you were still wet. You said, "Hey little birdy, I am gonna cage you." You had a grin.
It felt weird, especially your smile and your words. But I didn't let it get me. I was so happy that I am finally going to marry you Mr Williams. I will be able to wake up beside you.
The next morning, I rang up Jeremy and said the whole story. He didn't seem to be as excited as me, but he still laughed and paused. He said, "Hey Elena, you know right, that I will always be there for you. No matter what the situation."
I replied to him, "But why? Will I need you? When I will have Mr Williams to be there for me."
He didn't answer anything back, just disconnected the call.
I was little sad, like why did Jeremy behaved like that. He used to be happy for me, whatever the situation may be. He used to be so cheerful.
____AFTER 6 MONTHS_____
Mr Williams and I got married.
It was the most beautiful wedding.
We visited Paris, a city of love and oh so beautiful cuisine.
I remember that one night while we were both strolling, Jeremy called.
I didn't receive it, but then Jeremy never called me. Never asked me how I am.
When I got back in my senses, I saw Mr Williams staring at me in rage. I could feel my left leg was heavy, to my realisation I saw my left leg was chained to my bed. Mr Williams was laughing hysterically. He said, "Don't you remember my words, little birdy I am gonna cage you. What did you think? I married you for love?" He laughed like a devil. I was scared and shivering. He continued, "You're just a little birdy, I had to get married to someone to get the share of the property my father intended to give me, but there was one situation, that I had to get married, So I married you Little birdy, aww just a cute little scared bird. You don't get to leave."
I begged him for mercy,I begged him to unchain me. I promised him I won't leave the apartment. But he didn't listen, he just stormed out...

He chained the protagonist.
How much inhumane can a person be?
How will little birdy get free now?
Wait for next parts❤️🩷
#betrayal #thriller #love
© bumblebee