

furneral of a city: chapter 26
Molly stopped her car at around five o'clock in front of Rosalindas house. She was under a lot of stress and had no time except to say hello to her aunt, hug Rosalinda, and hand out Paulas toothbrush and toothpaste. She promised to pick up Paula early in the morning, then she ran back to the car. She had a green black, low-cut teal dress and smelled even from a distance, of a very strong perfume. As always she wore elaborate evening makeup. She had a new haircut, through, a short wavy Lob, which is why her fire-red hair looked even more like thousend flames. Now that Rosalinda had seen her, she noticed again how much resemblance Iris had with her daughter. The same pale skin, the summer jerks, the same smile and the same eyes, but above all the essential characteristic of all Dermonts, at least of all Dermonts that Rosalinda knew. They all had only four fingers on each hand, so they had only eight fingers in total. Robert also had only eight fingers and his brother and Sofia and Iris cousins and their children all had that genetic trait. No, Molly couldn't bee Domeniques daughter. It had been wrong of Rosalinda to belive in it so long only for being able to blame Iris in all her un luck and sufferings. It was Rosalindas fault. Rosalindas fault that Iris moved away.

On April 26, 1975, after Charlotte found out that Iris was pregnant, she as Domeniques mother had lost control of herself. She loved her son, only she was very traditional, conservative, superstitious with stric morals and values and was just so overwhelmed by the situation that she could not hold back her anger. The tragic incident took place in Charlotte's flower shop. She grabbed the first thing that was close to her hands. A metal garden decorative rod, with a metal raven as a decoration. Charlotte began to beat Domenique. She was a strong woman, so three strokes would have been enough to kill Domenique. Domeniques only luck was that Barry, who had his furniture shop across the street, noticed, what happend and imideatly ran over. Charlotte kept yelling and hitting her son and cursing him. Nobody had ever seen her so furious. Barry manged to hit the rod out of her hands and push her agains the wall, but during this try the end of the rod stabbed his eye badly, so that he dropped the pole and stopped pressing Charlotte. Charlotte ran away, took the first train and drove away into another city, about seven hours away from Kies. There she tried to cope with her guilt and forget everything. She withdrew completely and since then nothing has been heard from her.

Rosalinda and Alfred walked into the flower shop a few minu3 later. Domenique layed unconsciously and cramped on the floor. He had severe internal bleedings and bone deformities. His spine was severe injured, and left him paralized for the rest of his life. Barry sat squatting next to him, and tried to give Domenique first aid with his right hand, while with the other hand he was holding close his wounded left eyes. For the frist few minutes, Rosalinda was in a state of total shock. Alfred helped her sit down and called for medical help. Both injured were treated and taken to a hospital, but Rosalinda remained in the same state of shock. She was unable to respond to the outside world and had no strength to move. It wasn't until Rosalinda saw Iris that she was able to realize what hat happened. She started screaming at Iris, grabbed Iris at her hair and was fighting with her in the way woman fight. She was blaming Iris for everything was cursing her, was wishing her death...
As a result of this scandal, Iris did not come to visit Domenique or inquire about his health state once in the three months he was in hospital. Later Rosalinda told Domenique that Iris didn't want to share a life with a handicapped person and regretted every minute of being with Domenique together and never wanted to see him again. Of course this was a lie, but Domenique believed it what broke his spirit completely. Rosalinda advised him to move far away and forget Iris and everything that happened between them and that was, what Domenique did as soon as he got released. It was all Rosalindas fault.

Rosalinda was also feeling herself bad and guilty because of another thing. Because of Molly's adoption. Of course, Rosalinda never told her niece, and she's never gonna tell her. She never loved Molly. She hated Molly. She wished, Molly would never be born. The only reason she adopted Molly was because she and Alfred couldn't have children on their own and Rosalinda didn't want others to think badly about her or look down on her. She'd never been a good mother to Molly. Everything she did for Molly, she did for her own reputation and her egoism. Very egoistic and selfish, to ruin not only Iris life, but also Molly's and Paulas. Now she could change anything, except earning the consequences. Rosalinda understood she had to talk with Molly about anything, apologize for everything, but she was afraid it was to late and her confession would only make things worse...